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In fact, the list was composed of a series of ranking, including “2011 Alumini Ranking of Academician,”“Outstanding Alumni Scientist,” and “Outstanding Alumni Politicians” and so on.

Wu Fan, editor-in-chief of the magazine China Affairs thinks that universities are places to train professionals. It should not be a place to create millionaires.Its goal is not to make money.

Wu Fan: “Universities are places to foster elites or intellectuals that contribute to the society, rather than making money. Creating wealth is the result, not the goal of education. Chinese university system is corrupt. It has turned into capital groups. They are showing off how many capitalists the schools have fostered.”

In the current society with the admiration of money,this wealth ranking attracts many people』s attention,surpassing other rankings. “Beijing University has the most billionaires” was on news headlines, and was widely quoted, while other rankings were ignored.

Commentator Zhu Sibei believes, China manages universities and handles academic issues with political and administrative thinking. The fresh academic air has been polluted. Chinese universities today care about everything:funding, ranking, system, level, etc. While education and academics are ignored. Universities seem to have forgotten about the spiritual search of truth, compassion and beauty. They are losing their souls.

America's most influential college rankings is by U.S. News and World Report. It uses key indicators such as the rate of student returning and graduation

(first year students drop-out and 6-year graduation rate), teacher quality (percentage of small and large classes,professors』 average salary and benefits, etc.), school funding (teaching, research, services, and other costs per student of one fiscal year) and so on.

Experts point out that these indicators are related to teaching and students, indicating the core concept of universities is to develop talent. But in China, the rankings are a bit off track. They are often biased towards research conditions and hardware equipment, while personnel training is not paid attention to. There is too much focus around schools ability to create “wealth.” Many people in Mainland China think the ranking of wealth is only about the unimportant.

Renren.com netizen Li He said: “We should look at the number of university-trained scientists, statesmen (not politicians), entrepreneurs (not magnates), military experts (not warlords), rather than the number of the rich, as a good

university standard. Misguided values will ultimately lead to “contest on how many corrupt officials are trained!”

NTD Reporters Wan Ziqi and Sun Ning