Enzyme Residue Becoming Gold! Tony Cheng Built an Ecochain in the Enzyme Field in Taiwan

【新唐人亞太台 2020 年 10 月 27 日訊】台灣一年農業廢棄物高達462萬公噸,如果當垃圾丟棄,將對環境造成很大的負擔。帶您看到一家在台灣40多年的老字號酵素大廠,第二代接班人鄭卜元,把廢棄物變黃金,將酵素渣 循環再利用,不僅友善環境,種出來的茶 也別具風味。並且與產官學研合作,打造台灣酵素產業生態鏈,還進一步 推向國際市場。

Taiwan produces over 4.62 million tons of agricultural waste per year. If we throw it away like garbage, it will become a burden for the environment. Let us show you a large enzyme factory that has been open for business for over 40 years in Taiwan. Tony Cheng, the second-generation boss, turns waste into gold. He recycles and reuses the enzyme residue and uses it as fertilizer. It is eco-friendly and the tea leaves he grows have a special flavor. Besides this, he performs academic–industrial cooperation to build an ecochain in the enzyme field in Taiwan. What’s more, he promotes the product in the international market.



Tea farmers fertilize the fields carefully. Fruit and vegetable peels are fermented with enzymes and used as the fertilizer. Tea trees absorb the nutrition in the enzyme fertilizer completely. “The enzyme waste is thus turned into gold.” The recycling and reuse of the enzymes is an eco-friendly method utilized by Tony Cheng, the second-generation boss of a large enzyme factory in Taiwan.


台灣酵素大廠董事長 鄭卜元:「一噸的桶槽去做發酵,它基本上,就至少會有一半左右的那個渣,所以我們一年做下來,幾千桶下來,所以它基本上幾千噸那個渣。去變成酵素肥料,讓它做進一步的利用。」

Tony Cheng, the Chairman of a large enzyme factory in Taiwan says, “If we ferment a barrel, enzyme waste of at least half barrel will be generated. As a result, thousands of barrels will be generated in our factory per year. And that volume equals to thousands of tons of the fruit and vegetable peels. So, we turn the fruit and vegetable peels into enzyme fertilizer to make use of it.”


茶農 簡玉周:「茶葉比較厚,葉綠素比較飽和。」

Chien Yu-Chou (tea farmer) says, “If the tea leaf is thicker, it contains more chlorophyll.”



Taiwan produces over 4.62 million tons of agricultural waste per year. If we throw it away like garbage, it will become a burden for the environment. Born in 1978, Tony Cheng extends the application of enzymes, promotes local business and interacts with the international academic field. He brings diverse and innovative thinking for the brand that owns a history of over 40 years.


台灣酵素大廠董事長 鄭卜元:「嘉義大學這邊有,很長期的一個合作,那也從整個發酵過程當中,去篩檢到獨特的菌種。海外去做發表,那也確實得了一個,得了一個獎項。」

Tony Cheng, the Chairman of a large enzyme factory in Taiwan says, “We have been cooperating with National Chiayi University for a long time. The team in the University found a special strain in the fermentation process. It published the findings overseas and won a prize.”



Tony Cheng is the first Taiwanese who successfully introduced enzymes to African countries.


台灣酵素大廠董事長 鄭卜元:「我是認為是說,你有人就有市場。東南西北中非,也是10多億人,那為什麼一定要在中國,或者是說印度,人口來講他也是10多億人,不輸給中國,那這些市場為什麼,不去嘗試著做。」

Tony Cheng, the Chairman of a large enzyme factory in Taiwan says, “Personally I think if there are people, there is a market. There are more than 1 billion people living on the African Continent. So, there’s no reason we can only operate in China. India has a population of over 1 billion people, and that number is not that much behind China. So, I don’t see any reason why we should not try to introduce the product to the Indian market.”



Tony Cheng has a distinctive perspective for business management. In fact, Tony Cheng wants to build an ecochain for the enzyme industry in Taiwan.


台灣酵素大廠董事長 鄭卜元:「我們這個產業沒有污染,是綠色產業,我們跟農民收購,收購的整個發酵過程當中沒有廢水,沒有廢煙,發酵完之後的渣,還可以變成肥料回到農田裡面去。那所以,酵素村它會是,一個是完全無污染的綠色產業。」

Tony Cheng, the Chairman of a large enzyme factory in Taiwan says, “Our industry does not produce pollution. It is a green industry. We purchase agricultural waste from farmers and no wastewater or smoke is generated during the fermentation process. Besides this, the enzyme waste generated after the fermentation can be used as a fertilizer in the fields. As a result, the Taiwan Enzyme Village is a pollution-free and green business.”



During the production process of the enzyme, different strains will be placed in the culture space. After fermentation of 2 stages, the ingredients will be mixed together. There are over 100 ingredients used in the process. The whole fermentation process takes about a year.


台灣酵素大廠董事長 鄭卜元:「在台灣這個地方,是可以很方便的,去取到,每個季節不同的農作物,來做發酵,那這些農作物就是酵素,製作很重要的原料。」

Tony Cheng, the Chairman of a large enzyme factory in Taiwan says, “In Taiwan, we can conveniently acquire different kinds of crops in every season for the fermentation. These crops are important ingredients for producing enzyme.”



Taiwan produces diverse kinds of crops and this is our advantage to lead the globe. Tony Cheng upholds the family philosophy of “integrity” and is strict with the production process.


台灣酵素大廠董事長 鄭卜元:「我們家訓是真誠,所以必須把產品做好。不是亂做的,不是亂來的,比方說市場上都會有一些,比方說黑心產品,那至少你在產品的把關上,必須是真材實料,真的按規範去做的。那我們這個產業也不能是對環境,有傷害的。」

Tony Cheng, the Chairman of a large enzyme factory in Taiwan says, “My family philosophy is integrity. As a result, we produce good products only. We do not produce bad products with no quality. For example, there are some harmful products on the market. But for us, we are strict with our products and we use ingredients of good quality to produce products in accordance with the regulations. Besides, our industry should not be harmful to the environment.”



40 years ago, Tony Cheng’s father, Cheng Chin-Chen, who was the first-generation founder, went to Japan to learn the skills for producing enzymes. After he came back, he rooted in Taiwan. 40 years later, Tony Cheng, the second-generation boss, obtained the skills from his father. He has expanded the business to a global level and introduced the product to the international market.



攝影後製:葉錫鴻 曾奕豪

Interview and writing: Li Jing-Jing

Recording and post-processing: Yeh Hsi-Hung, Tseng Yi-Hao




Taiwan Enzyme Village Co., Ltd.


No. 6-2, Neighborhood 3, Shuangyuan, Pinghe Village, Minxiong Township, Chiayi County




