【禁聞】百度 淘寶列全球「惡名市場」榜


「美國貿易代表辦公室」(Office of the United States Trade Representative)28號公布一份名為全球「惡名市場」的名單,列出30個涉嫌侵犯知識產權的網站,及實體市場。這份名單,應該在每年4月公布的「特別301報告」當中,今年特別將名單獨立公布,是對生產和銷售盜版和假冒產品企業的警告。



美國南卡羅來納州大學謝田教授:「百度的問題在於它本身是個搜索引擎,但它有很多侵權的材料、資料經常是放在第三者的網站上,但是它和百度有這種貿易叫Deep Linking,就是深度鏈接。實際上他們在幕後是鏈接在一起的。通過這種非同尋常的緊密的鏈接連到第三者的網站。這實際上是百度有意的在協助這種侵權行為。」


謝田教授:「好萊塢這些公司----music,movies裡的人,他們完全可以起訴了。為了拿到證據以後,有301 的指控,如果再有確切的證據,它如果是在美國上市公司的話,它就可以叫它賠償,那是下一步的問題了。」





Baidu and Taobao Named “Notorious Markets”

Two of China』s biggest Internet companies:

Baidu and Taobao were named "notorious markets"

by the U.S. Trade Representative for copyright

infringement, which brings the number of globally

notorious Chinese websites to eight.

On Feb 28, office of the U.S. Trade Representative

(USTR) issued the latest list of “notorious markets”,

which highlighted 30 markets known for intellectual

property rights (IPR) infringement. The list, which was

usually included in the yearly “Special 301 Report”,

was issued independently this year

as a warning for IPR infringement.

China is frequently criticized by the U.S. for software

copyright violations, as 90% users in China, including

government agencies use pirated software.

Baidu, China's most visited website, provides

"deep linking" to items on sites that are being sold

without the copyright holders' permission.

Such items are also sold at large quantities

on Taobao, and stored on third-party websites.

Professor Xie Tian from University of South Carolina:

“The problem with Baidu is that it partners through

『deep linking』 with third party sites

where infringing materials are stored.

Such a connection indicates that Baidu is intentionally

participating in copyright infringing activities.”

Like NASDAQ-listed Baidu, Chinese Internet company

Alibaba was also hit by fraud scandal last week.

Xie: “The Hollywood companies in the music and

movie industries can all sue these companies with

the 301 report and hard evidences. The next step is

to penalize these US-listed company as per U.S. laws.”

Prof. Xie believes, the “notorious markets” list

is a warning against IPR infringement by

the Office of the U.S Trade Representative.

Other listed “notorious markets” include the Luohu

Market in Shenzhen, the Silk Market in Beijing, and

the Yiwu market in Zhejiang Province.

Some IT markets in Beijing and Shanghai were also

criticized for software piracy.

The USTR report alleges that China failed to comply

with the U.S. intellectual property laws;

it also urges the responsible authorities to

intensify efforts to combat piracy.

NTD reporters Tang Rui and Wu Huizhen