【禁聞】“搶鹽潮” 暴中共公信力危機

【新唐人2011年3月21日訊】在中國大陸發生的“搶鹽潮”, 一直到20號,才慢慢平息下來。緊接著,上海、北京 和南京等城市出現了“退鹽潮”,但商家拒不退貨。分析認為,“搶鹽潮”除了暴露中共政府的公信力危機外,很多深層原因更值得探究。

從3月16號起,中國各地突然爆發市民爭先恐後搶購食鹽的 “盛況”,大量超市的食鹽都銷售一空了。













Salt Rush‘s Mistrust in CCP

The‘salt rush’in China has finally calmed down,

and a wave of ‘salt returns’

followed in major cities.

Salt returns are refused by merchants,

and many believe that the ‘salt rush’ reveals

people’s lack of trust in the CCP‘s regime.

Starting March 16, panicked Chinese people

rushed into stores to purchase salt.

The frantic buying has left grocery shelves empty

of salt throughout China.

In Guangdong, a month’s supply of salt was sold out

in 2 days; and on March 17, 24 days supply of salt

was sold out in just 1 day nationwide.

Buyers even raided shelves for soy sauce

and preserved vegetables.

People‘s greeting was “Did you buy salt?”

A woman in Nanjing said that she purchased

50 bags of salt at 8 RMB per bag,

which would last her entire family 4 years.

Looking back, the Japanese faced

the earthquake, tsunami and nuclear crisis

with calm and order, in contrast to the frantic

behavior of the Chinese. Some are joking

that if the Japanese see the ‘salt rush’ in China,

they would ask, “Where did the disaster strike?”

Are the Chinese people absurd? Or ignorant?

Or there are deeper causes behind this behavior?

The ‘salt rush’ fueled discussion throughout China.

Senior journalist, Chang Ping, believes that

it too superficial to blame the people.

“People have to try saving themselves because

they have long lost trust in their society.

They had no other choice but to panic.

The society does not have a notification system

or rescue structure to cope with disasters,

so the people do not trust the government,

nor the society built around this government.”

According to a Financial Times article by Shi Shusi,

the ‘salt rush’ reflects many deeper issues.

“The Chinese society has lost its faith and values;

social policies are outdated,

and the distribution of wealth is a messy disaster.

Everyone worries for himself.

The ‘salt rush’ is a release of public anxiety,

a result of the collapse of social trust.”

In fact, this was not the first panic to hit China.

Similar crisis occurred during the outbreak

of SARS in 2003, when Chinese people rushed

to buy Radix Isatidis, bleach, and masks.

Another Financial Times article pointed out that

Chinese authorities must see the social problems

in China behind the ‘salt rush’, and take actions

to rebuild trust and order in society.

At the beginning of the ‘salt rush’, the CCP had its

“experts” speak to the public that “there is no need

to rush and buy salt. Our country has sufficient salt

supply so there is no need to panic.”

An article by Li Guang asks: “Why were

stores‘ shelves emptied of salt the very next day?”

Li Guang believes that despair is the greatest

sorrow. After countless disappointments,

the people have lost faith in their government.

Aren‘t the officials afraid of this public’s power?

NTD reporters Li Jing and Li Lu.