簡天倫博士(經濟專家):“持有3萬億美元的外匯儲備,對於中國來說,從經濟上是很不合適的。 浪費中國人的錢,等於是全中國人民在補貼國外。由於購買很多美國國債,使得美國的利率下降。就是把中國的錢補貼美國。”
簡天倫:“解決巨額外匯儲備的情況有很多方法。一個就是提高人民幣匯率,使得出口不至於這麼廉價,換回外貿順差﹔再一個可以提高國內的工資, 還有就是國內的通貨膨脹,使得國內的產品出口價格上漲。現在中國是在用後者,用中國的國內的通貨膨脹來解決外匯儲備出超太多的問題,實際上等於犧牲國內大多數人利益,來解決這個問題。
USD3 trillion FER of China
China's foreign exchange reserve (FER) has reached
USD3.044 trillion, exceeding country needs level,
said China's central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan.
According to Western media,
China's large foreign exchange reserve buildup
is bringing more trouble than benefits.
China's FER rose 24.4% year-on-year by March end
to USD3.044 trillion, despite the USD1.02 billion
in quarterly trade deficit, according to data released
on April 14 by the People's Bank of China (PBOC).
Reuters analysis shows that for every dollar
that goes into reserve, China prints about RMB6.5,
adding even more cash to its economy.
Dr. Jian Tianlun (economy expert): “USD3 trillion
in FER is inappropriate for China's economy.
It is wasting Chinese people's money
to subsidize other countries.
Excessive purchase of US bonds will decrease
the US interest rate and thus subsidize
the US economy with Chinese money.”
According to Reuters analysis, China's large FER
leads to inflation, disrupts economic balance,
and causes trouble to the country's money minders.
Jian believes China's high FER and inflation rate
is directly related to the undervalued RMB currency.
Jian Tianlun: “Undervalued RMB causes the FER
to expand, relative to GDP, stoking up currency
issuance nearly to the limit. Inflation rate thus rises.
So we can say that the recent surge in inflation
is caused by undervalued RMB and increased FER.”
Jian believes China's real goal is not
to increase FER, but to maintain growth rate.
Jian: “Without continuous increase in exports,
China's GDP will not grow at its current rate.
So China is not taking any action to reduce
its excessive FER, because it needs to maintain
the growth rate of GDP to maintain stability.
Any problems in economy or employment
can trigger social turbulence.”
“Foreign-exchange reserve has exceeded
the reasonable level that our country actually needs,”
said central bank Governor Zhou Xiaochuan
in a speech at Tsinghua University on April 18.
The rapid increase of the reserve has led to
excessive liquidity and fuelled inflation pressures.
Jian: “There are many solutions to the FER problem:
one is to raise RMB's exchange rate & export prices,
thus recover trade surplus and increase home wages.
Another is to increase export prices through inflation.
China adopts the latter, sacrificing the majority
of Chinese people interest to solve the FER problem.”
Chinese economists Qiu Lin wrote on his blog:
“USD3 trillion in FER belongs to Chinese people.
It should be used to benefit the people.”
Chinese netizens too believe that the government
should let the people benefit from this large FER.
NTD reporters Li Jing and Xiao Yan
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