【禁聞】七一中港兩重天 “建港偉業”積怨


7月1號下午,“七一”大游行讓整個香港沸騰起來。從銅鑼灣維多利亞公園,沿軒尼斯道、經灣仔、金鐘 ,最後到中環政府總部,綿延4公里,據統計有21萬8千香港民眾參加了這場遊行。















Hong Kong's Protest March

July 1 is the 90th anniversary of the founding of

the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

The CCP's mouthpiece media continue to praise it.

However, in Hong Kong, a protest march of nearly

220,000 people took place.

It resembled the anti-Article 23 protest in 2003.

In Mainland China, the deliberately created festivities

can not cover up the people's accumulated rancor.

The July 1 grand demonstration started

from Victoria Park in Causeway Bay,

along Hennessy Road, through Wan Chai District,

to Government Secretariat in Central District.

The route was 4 km, with 218,000 participants.

The theme of July 1 March this year is

"Give back My Double Universal Suffrage in 2012;

down with real estate hegemony;

(Chief Executive) Donald Tsang to step down."

The march is organized by Civil Human Rights Front.

Recently, Hong Kong government pushed for

brainwashing patriotic education and

proposed a pro-CCP by-election bill.

These have infuriated the people of Hong Kong.

Hong Kong University poll showes only 30% of

Hong Kong people trust the Beijing government,

which is the lowest in 11 years.

Tsang's popularity is also at its lowest point.

Hong Kong "Service Centre for Quitting the CCP"

spokesperson Lu Jie said,

Hong Kong people are getting mature step by step.

Their demands are more direct and stronger.

They are very self-confident.

They even proposed to change their own fate.

I didn't see these in previous July 1 marches.

Hong Kong's Apple Daily said, on June 30,

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Garrison

had a land, sea and air joint exercise.

In the morning of June 30, PLA military vehicles

armed with rifles passed through Central District.

Multiple vehicles drove in the busy Kowloon.

They reminded the public of Tiananmen Massacre.

The Garrison claimed that military exercises would

improve the troops' ability to handle emergencies.

Cai Yongmei, executive editor of Open magazine:

“Anti-terrorist exercises in HK are clearly not directed

towards terrorists, but towards Hong Kong people,

as after the exercises, the July 1 march would follow.

I think this is the CCP's intimidation, but useless.

Hong Kong people cannot be easily scared.

The exercises have been counterproductive,

since it is offensive.

What is July 1 celebration in Mainland China?

CCP's 90th Anniversary Celebration has made

an impression of red fever on RFI journalist Andre.

Andre wrote in his article, across China,

people sing red songs and perform red dances.

It seems that the money-crazed China is changing.

Thousands of years of Chinese civilization have

only the remnants of the Cultural Revolution left.

The red, which means violence, gore and cruelty,

is a symbol of that era.

In another part of Beijing,

different stories are being played out.

Mr. Han, a petitioner from Shanghai:

“We have been put into custody in Beijing

by the Shanghai government's Beijing Office.

(Petitioner) Cui Fufang's mother is 89 years old.

We know she was beaten by them,

but we don't know how badly she was beaten yet.”

Shen Yongmei, a petitioner from Shanghai:

“We came to get our properties back from the CCP.

This is our only demand and request.

The CCP robbed all our assets 10 years ago.

They are celebrating their 90th anniversary.

We have wandered and suffered for 10 years.”

Hong Kong's China issue analyst Li Chongguang

published an article on Deutsche Welle.

It said, the CCP started by violent unrests.

As it still uses violent revolutionary ways to rule,

it has raised many kids "fed on wolf milk”.

Although dissatisfied with the CCP,

they still use non-rational and non-peaceful means

to fight for their own interests.

NTD reporters Liang Zhen,Chang Chun and Guo Jing