【新唐人2011年8月20日訊】 【看新聞學英語】
The Past, Present and Future of Wikipedia
文/Fairbank Chen, Daniel Chen
1. Advocate n. [ˋædvəkɪt] 擁護者
2. Initiative n. [ɪˋnɪʃətɪv] 首創事業
3. Enormous adj. [ɪˋnɔrməs] 巨大的
4. Encyclopedia n. [ɪn͵saɪkləˋpidɪə] 百科全書
5. inspire v. [ɪnˋspaɪr] 激勵
6. engage in v.phr. [ɪnˋgedʒd] [ɪn]從事、致力於
7. Outreach n. [aʊtˋritʃ] 超越
8. Take place ph. 舉行
The international Wikipedia conference, run by the Wikimedia community, is organized in a different country each year. This year is Israel. Hundreds of Wikipedia editors, Wikimedia advocates, free content promoters, researchers and educators from over 50 countries are gathering here to discuss the present and the future of Wikipedia.
Jimmy Wales is the founder of Wikipedia. He tells NTD about the project that just 10 years ago was a small initiative and is now used by almost every web user in the world.
[Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia]:
"We started with nothing in 2001, we now have over 400 million visitors every month, we have over 70 million articles in 270 languages. It is an enormous project. The number 5 website on the Internet. The vision for Wikipedia has always been a free encyclopedia for every single person on the planet in their own language."
維基百科創辦人吉米威爾士說:「2001年,我們白手起家,現在我們每個月有超過4億名訪客,我們使用270種語言編寫超過 70萬篇文章,這是一項龐大的工程。是互聯網上排名第5的網站。維基網站一直希望免費提供世界上每一個人有自己語言的百科全書。」
Ting Chen was born in China and now lives in Germany. He travels all over the world promoting the idea of free content created by people for the use of others.
[Ting Chen, Board of Trustees, Wikimedia Foundation]:
"I think that we are already a part of a culture, of the Internet culture and I hope that we can inspire more people to start similar projects, open content, education and knowledge for other people…that would be cool."
While Wikipedia is already big, the founder is looking to expand further. One of the main targets now is the southern part of the world.
[Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia]:
"We really want to focus a lot on getting all the languages of India, languages of Africa, there is still a lot of work left to do. We are really making a push in the next year to double the number of people editing Wikipedia, so we really engaged in a lot of outreach, software development, everything that we can do to make it easier to edit Wikipedia, making it more welcoming."
This year is the seventh international Wikipedia conference. In 2012, the meeting will take place in Washington, DC.
本則影音新聞出處:新唐人電視台英語新聞 http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/news_middleeast_africa/2011-08-09/the-past-present-and-future-of-wikipedia.html
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
We started with nothing in 2001.
We are already a part of a culture, of the Internet culture.
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6. U.S. Suspects Pakistan Allowed Chinese to Inspect Stealth Helicopter(EET)
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8. Drugs and Obesity Top Threats to Children, Say Adults(EET)
英文造字法則──了解造字方法 不用再死背單字
詳細簡章備索Email: service@davidlee.url.tw
名家推薦─ 張錦華(台大新聞研究所教授)
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