【新唐人2011年12月25日訊】 【看新聞學英語】
Girl Cross-Stitches without Hands in Guizhou
By Jessie Chen, David Lee
1. cross-stitch: n. [ˋkrɔs͵stɪtʃ]刺繡
2. ethnic: adj. [ˋɛθnɪk]種族的
3. in the way: ph.妨疑的
4. persistence: n. [pɚˋsɪstəns]堅持
5. dawn on: ph. [pɚˋsɪstəns]明白、頓誤
6. put into: ph.把…放進
7. make a living: ph.謀生
8. take up: ph. [ˋtek͵ʌp]開始從事
9. feat: n. [fit]技藝
10. artisan: n. [ˋɑrtəzn]技工
11. embroider: v. [ɪmˋbrɔɪdɚ]繡
12. landscape: n. [ˋlænd͵skep]景色、風景
In China’s Guizhou Province, in a small Tujia ethnic village lives a young woman without fingers. But she doesn’t let that get in the way of her writing, cooking or cross-stitching.
24-year-old Peng Jianya lost her hands in an open-stove fire as a young girl, and the family was unable to afford surgery. With extreme persistence and the encouragement of her teachers, she learned how to hold a pen with her arms and write just the same as other kids.
[Peng Jianya, Fingerless Artist]:
“When I was a child, I was unable to hold chopsticks. My parents taught me for a long time. It was really difficult, but I overcame it. It dawned on me that one has to put great efforts into what one is doing."
After marrying at the age of 18, Peng wanted to help her now family of four make a living. She decided to take up cross-stitching, but it was no easy feat. Her first piece was immensely difficult, but things got easier with practice and time. Now, Peng can make a stitch in less than five seconds, and reportedly, she completes works faster than your average artisan with hands.
[Peng Jianya, Fingerless Artist]:
"I will gather a few other people to embroider the beautiful landscape of our hometown as a souvenir and lasting memory for tourists. At the same time, we can earn more money."
An increasing number of tourists are now traveling Peng’s hometown to see her amazing skill.
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
It dawned on me that one has to put great efforts into what one is doing.
It was really difficult, but I overcame it.
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