【看新聞學英語】林書豪聚焦尼克隊球季 休戰中
【新唐人2012年3月3日訊】 【看新聞學英語】
Jeremy Lin Focused on Knicks Season, Staying Grounded
1. Sensation [sɛnˋseʃən] n. a mental feeling, especially a state of excited feeling. 轟動、熱潮
2. spotlight [ˋspɑt͵laɪt] n. the area of immediate or conspicuous public attention焦點人事
3. court [kort] n. 球場
4. trademark [ˋtred͵mɑrk] a distinctive mark or feature particularly characteristic of or identified with a person or thing. 商標、特色
5. pick-and-roll: 擋切(籃球術語,指進攻方做掩護球員的戰術)
6. consecutive [kənˋsɛkjʊtɪv] adj. following one another in uninterrupted succession or order 連續的
Basketball’s latest sensation, Jeremy Lin, was further thrust into the spotlight on the weekend at the BBVA Rising Star Challenge game during the NBA's All-Star Weekend in Orlando.
During a recent interview, Lin thanked his fans in China, and said he plans to visit there during the summer.
For now, he said, his focus is on helping his team, the New York Knicks, stay focused on the court so that they can win games.
Lin said he intends to rest a lot during the All-Star break to get ready for the second half of the season.
[Jeremy Lin, New York Knicks Point Guard]:
"I'll be able to get ready for second half of the season. I make sure I get away when I need to get away, spend time with family and friends, make sure I read the Bible and remind myself, you know, what I'm living for, what I'm playing for. And then once I get that rest, once I get away, I can feel energized and get right back into it and continue working and getting better."
Earlier this month, Lin became a hero in New York, helping the Knicks win seven consecutive games and sparking "Linsanity," which has spread across the globe.
The 23-year-old Harvard graduate’s sensational plays include his trademark pick-and-roll, which won the hearts of fans in America and Asia.
這位23歲的哈佛畢業生轟動的比賽,包括他的特色戰法“擋切球” ,贏得了美國與亞洲的球迷的心。
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.bosenglish.com
Jeremy Lin became a hero in New York, helping the Knicks win seven consecutive games and sparking "Linsanity".
I’ll remind myself what I'm living for, and what I'm playing for.
1. dribble:運球
2. dunk:灌籃
3. walking:帶球走步
bank shot:擦板球
4. fast break:快攻
point guard:控球後衛
5. coach:教練
6. referee:裁判
7. center:中鋒
8. forward:前鋒
9. starter:先發球員
10. bench player:板凳(後備)球員
11. guest team:客隊
12. home court:主場
13. home court advantage:主場優勢
14. winning streak:連勝場數
15. foul:犯規
foul out:犯滿離場,“畢業”
16. technical foul:技術犯規
17. foul strategy:犯規戰術
18. overtime:延長賽
19. one-one-one defense:人盯人防守
20. free throw:罰球
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