【新唐人2012年4月19日訊】 【看新聞學英語】
Titanic Centennial Approaching
By Daniel Chen, David Lee
1. Centennial [sɛnt'ɛniəl] adj. 百年紀念
2. Doom [d'um] v. 死亡
3. Liner [l'ɑɪnɚ] n. 定期船
4. Tout [t'ɑʊt] v. 招徠
5. Iceberg ['ɑɪsbɚg] n. 冰山
6. Split [spl'ɪt] v. 裂開
7. maiden voyage ph. 處女航、首航
8. starboard [st'ɑrbɚd] adj. 右側;右舷
9. bow [b'ɑʊ] n. 船首
10. stern [st'ɚn] n. 船尾
11. snap [sn'æp] v. 拉斷;咬斷
12. lifeboat [l'ɑɪfb,ot] n. 救生艇
13. distress [dɪstr'ɛs] n. 悲痛;危難
14. ocean floor ph. 海底
15. wreckage [r'ɛkədʒ] n. 殘骸
16. expedition [,ɛkspəd'ɪʃən] n. 考察;探險
17. remains [rɪm'enz] n. 殘餘;廢墟
18. blockbuster [bl'ɑkb,ʌstɚ] n. 電影巨片
19. grossing [gr'osɪŋ] adj. 賣座的
April 15th will mark the centennial of the day the Titanic sank, an event that doomed 1,517 of its passengers and crew.
The RMS Titanic was an Olympic class ocean liner, built to be the ultimate level of luxury for ocean travel. Touted to be ‘unsinkable,’ the ship famously hit an iceberg that ripped open holes in some watertight compartments. Two hours and forty minutes later, the ship split in two and sank.
The Titanic was performing its maiden voyage from Southampton, England, to New York City. It had been designed with a 2435 passenger capacity, and its sixteen remotely-sealable watertight compartments led to its ‘unsinkable’ claim.
Four days into its journey, the Titanic struck an iceberg on the starboard side. It opened holes in at least five of the compartments. As they filled with water, the bow sank deeper, and water spilled into other compartments.
The water-filled bow sank into the ocean, lifting the stern into the air. This would snap the boat into two.
Approximately 711 survivors were rescued from its 20 lifeboats. These lifeboats had a maximum capacity of 1,178 people, far fewer than the total aboard the ship, and more than those saved.
The RMS Carpathia, answering the Titanic’s distress calls, rescued those in lifeboats. They arrived in New York three days later.
The ship lay undisturbed on the ocean floor until 1985, when discovered by a Franco-American team. The wreckage split bow and stern, laying 600 meters apart about 3,700 meters below sea level.
There are still regular expeditions to the Titanic. Researchers note that iron-eating bacteria have been disintegrating the remains, which will soon collapse.
The events of the Titanic inspired James Cameron’s blockbuster Titanic, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslett. Released in 1997, the film is the second highest grossing movie of all time, earning over 1.9 billion dollars worldwide. 2009's Avatar, also by James Cameron, has earned over 2.7 billion.
Titanic was recently released in 3D for the 100th anniversary.
本專欄由前衛英語李德良老師主編 www.davidlee.url.tw
1. April 15th will mark the centennial of the day the Titanic sank.
2. Two hours and forty minutes later, the ship split in two and sank.
3. The water-filled bow sank into the ocean, lifting the stern into the air.
4. Titanic was recently released in 3D for the 100th anniversary.
5. Released in 1997, Titanic is the second highest grossing movie of all time, earning over 1.9 billion dollars worldwide.
6. 2009's Avatar, also by James Cameron, has earned over 2.7 billion.
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