最特別的語文學習教材 中文 英文 一起快樂學


Ignite kids’ interest in learning Chinese characters
Show how each Chinese character became what it is today
Tell the human story behind each Chinese character
Cultivate kids’ passion not just for Chinese characters but also for life.


The character Bao(寶) is two strings of jade and a seashell hidden in a house. 
That is to say that both jade and seashells are treasures.
We know that jade is precious. But what about a seashell(貝)? How come is it also a treasure?
Because, in the Shang Dynasty, seashells had been used as money. That’s why later people called things dear to them their Bao-Bei(寶貝).

★傳統的中華文化  ★感人的歷史故事
Historical tales that touch your heart & Traditional Chinese Culture

「孝」--牽著老人家走路 “Piety”—lend an arm to a walking elderly man
張釋之執法 Zhang Shi-zhi enforces the law


★神奇的文字漸變 Magical evolution of Chinese characters


「龜」字的演變 Evolvement of the character “Turtle”



★奧妙的字義解析 Profound character meanings


How can“Romance”and“Change”be so much alike?

免費試看 https://ntdfriends.cc/mUUB8

全套共四季/共68集 英文發音/中英字幕
線上看校園公映版 16,000元/季 授權6年
線上看個人家用版 700元/第一季   900元/其他季別 授權1年 
"The Wonderful World of Chinese Characters”
4 seasons/68 episodes
Audio in English/Subtitles in Chinese and English
License for online school broadcast: NT$16,000 per season for 6 years
License for online Family broadcast: NT$700 per season for 1 years(Season1)
License for online Family broadcast: NT$900 per season for 1 years(Season2、3、4)
Order now: 02-55713838 ext. 1125