【新唐人2011年7月5日訊】在全球金融危機的衝擊下,中共政府越來越多的介入經濟,導致經濟陷入“國(企)進 民(營)退”的格局。經濟專家們認為,這種政府介入越來越多的模式導致的繁榮,無法持久。同時,中國目前的情況:擴大借貸、不受控制的通貨膨脹,以及觸動人們神經的官員腐敗,跟「六四」當年十分相似。
在全球金融危機的衝擊下,中共一直高喊著經濟增長“保八”,加強了政府介入,在產業發展、人民幣匯率等方面都強加控管。似乎顯示出由政府領導,使用“政策工具”(policy tools)的中國模式,比市場經濟模式優秀。
但是,經濟學家芧於軾認為,目前中國經濟因為陷入“國(企)進 民(營)退”的格局,政府配置越來越多,導致市場在縮小。
芧於軾:﹝錄音﹞ “當前來講,我覺得中國經濟比較成問題的,就是政府控制的資源越來越多,違背了『市場配置資源』的這樣一個原則,中國經濟的效率在降低,壟斷在加強,經濟結構的扭曲越來越難處理。”
清華大學經濟管理學院教授程致宇(Patrick Chovanec)也指出,目前中國的情況跟六四之前有些相似,他向《美國之音》說:“在1980年代中,先有一波借貸風潮,接著而來的就是通貨膨脹的高峰。”他還表示:“當年跟我們現在所見的是一樣的,就是擴大借貸,不受控制的通貨膨脹,以及觸動人們神經的官員腐敗。”
程致宇教授曾經擔任美國眾議院議長貝納(John Boehner) 的幕僚。他還表示,現在中共政府擔憂,如果經濟發展慢下來,民怨將會爆發,所以集全國之力追求GDP成長,並且政府過深的介入經濟,形成「國進民退」。程致宇教授認為:“中國就像在一輛高速前進的火車上頭,騎虎難下。”
Tiananmen Movement May Recur
Due to the global financial crisis』s impact,
the Chinese government is increasingly intervening
in the economy, resulting in the situation of
“the advancing state and the retreating private sector”.
Experts think that this would lead a state of prosperity
that cannot be sustained in the long run.
Currently, China is facing lending expansion,
uncontrollable inflation and disturbing corruption,
very similar to the days before Tiananmen Movement.
The Chinese government has been stressing to
“keep the economic growth rate at 8%”.
It strengthened intervention in industrial development
and increased control over RMB exchange rate.
It appears that the government-led Chinese model,
using “policy tools”, is better than the market economy.
Economist Mao Yushi believes that China now faces
“an advancing state and a retreating private sector”.
The government has increasing resources,
which resulted in a retreating private sector.
Mao Yushi: I think Chinese economy is problematic.
Authorities control an increasing amount of resources,
contrary to "resource allocation by market”.
China's economic efficiency is in decline
with an increasingly distorted economic structure.
In response to the economic crisis,
the authorities issued "Ten Industry Promotion Plans"
and "RMB 4 trillion economic stimulus package".
Many of the policies favor state-owned enterprises.
Economic and current affairs critic Caoan Jushi said,
this situation reflects the distortions of
China's political system and economic system.
Caoan Jushi: Free economic development favors
the economic development of the private sector.
However, due to China's authoritarian government,
its policies are biased for the dictatorial regime.
Inevitably, this leads to the state-owned companies
enjoying the governmental support,
with the private sector being highly suppressed.
He believes that China』s free economy is nominal,
as the nation is under one-party rule.
This situation will create future problems.
Caoan Jushi: This system inevitably leads to inflation.
This is similar to the days before June 4th Movement.
At that time, the people』s rancor was about corruption.
However, corruption is now a norm in China. Therefore,
the resistance in people』s minds is more fierce.
Tsinghua University Professor Patrick Chovanec said
the current situation is similar to the situation in 1989.
He told Voice of America, “In the 1980s,
there was a wave of lending,
then came a wave of inflation.
The current situation is similar.”
Professor Chovanec was a staff member of
former U.S. House Speaker John Boehner.
He said that the Chinese government is worried that
if the economic growth slows down,
people』s rancor will explode. Therefore,
it uses the entire nation』s power to pursue GDP growth.
He said, "China is like riding on a high-speed train,
and it is very difficult to get down”.
Chovanec analyzed that the government missed
the best opportunity for an economic "soft landing”.
The government is likely to continue
the current policy of economic stimulation.
After taking off the presidency, Xi Jinpin will not allow
the economic growth to slow down.
The Chinese people's grievances will be increased.
NTD reporters Zhou Yulin ,Shang Yan and Zhou Xinyi
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