鄭義:「當地的老百姓沒有得到甚麽利益,反而受到了這麼大的傷害,那麼積纍起來就成了很多的社會情緒。當條件一適合的時候就會爆發形成大規模的抗議活動。我想在中國它反而是一種通常的現象。6:03 我想大家都明白,它在這個制度上是非常不合理的。」
胡平(《北京之春》雜誌主編):“中國的民眾呢,要有進一步的深刻的認識到,自己的利益必須要自己站出來捍衛, 另外呢,最有力的抗爭的方式大多數是上街頭,同時,盡量利用這種現代化的這種聯絡工具,互聯網, 更多地方的人能夠站出來為自己的利益抗爭,取得成就,這可以加強大家的信心。”
Chemical Pollution by Dumping Chromium Slag
5000 tons of chromium slag randomly dumped in Luliang County
of Qujing City, Yunnan Province.
Pearl River water may be polluted by highly toxic chromium,
endangering the safety of drinking water for tens of millions.
The incident was not reported, until a few months later
drawing wide public concern.
It exposed many years of serious local environmental pollution.
The local pollution has caused 37 residents to die of cancer,
in a neighborhood dubbed, "the death village".
A western media report stated that anti-chemical pollution
has become a new battle ground between civilians and officials.
According to mainland media reports, in Yunnan Province,
Luliang Chemical Industry illegally dumped over 5000 tons of
industrial chromium residue.
It polluted Pearl River and caused public concern.
Luliang County is located on the Nanpan River,
which is the source of the Pearl River.
According to reports, since 1989
this company has never treated chromium slag.
It dumps massive amounts of waste in the open,
peaking at 288,400 tons.
Since the public cannot distinguish between road materials and
chemical waste,
the factory secretly dumped chromium slag on roadside slopes.
On August 13, Qujing Municipal government said that the illegal
dumping caused the death of 77 livestock in a nearby village.
However, the quality of drinking water was not affected,
showing no casualties.
Guangdong Environmental Protection Department said that based
on official monitoring results, the Pearl River water quality is normal.
However, a report from Aug. 16 on www.yeah.net said that
Xinglong Village, the nearest town to the chemical plant
is known as the "death village".
Villagers said that every year at least 6 or 7 residents
in this village die of cancer.
China』s media National Business Daily reported that
an anonymous resident of Xinglong Village revealed,
since 2000, up to 37 villagers have died of cancer.
A few miles away from the Luliang Chemical Industry Co,
in an anonymous town, a health center staff member told
The Epochtimes: In recent years, many people in the Luliang
went to Kunming and Qujing to cure tumors and stones.
They were later diagnosed with cancer.
Long-term concerned with China』s environmental issues,
writer Zheng Yi said that if such plants are built in the west,
meetings must take place between interested groups and
local residents to discuss and reach a unanimous agreement.
The Chinese people have no such rights for expression.
Zheng Yi: on such things, they don』t seek civilians』 views.
Because what they consider is the political performance,
like the GDP growth or employment figures.
The negative effects like environmental pollution, local people』s
health hazards and agricultural damages are not considered.
On August 14, tens of thousands of Dalian citizens protested,
demanding the authorities to shut a PX chemical plant.
Zheng Yi: The local people don』t benefit at all and
only suffer harm from this chemical plant.
A great deal of resentment has accumulated.
When an opportunity arrives, large-scale protests will outbreak.
This is a common phenomenon in China, I think.
And we all know, China』s political system is very unreasonable.
After the exposure of the toxic chromium pollution incident,
Qujing official informed that Luliang Chemical Industry Co.
had contracted a transportation carrier to ship
the chromium slag to Guizhou province for treatment.
To save transportation costs, the drivers dumped halfway
the chromium residue, and they repeated this for 1.5 months
dumping 5222.38 tons in total.
In the end, only two drivers involved were detained.
Various parties questioned whether they were made the scapegoats.
Hu Ping (Editor-in-Chief Beijing Spring Magazine):
The Chinese people should further understand that
we must stand up to defend our own interests.
Furthermore, in most cases,
street protests are the most powerful way.
Utilize the modern communication tools like the Internet
as much as possible.
When more people in China stand up to fight for their interests
and make progress, this could strengthen our confidence.
The dumping incident also drew attention in western RFI
(Radio France Internationale).
It commented that, benefits transferred between officials and
enterprises triggers conflicts between the civilians and enterprises.
It also becomes a new area of a win-lose battle
between civilians and officials.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Lin Huixin and Wang Mingyu.
【禁聞】《血紀》成禁書 中共怕甚麼?
【禁聞】胡挺汪洋李克強 專家指江派遭重挫
【禁聞】央視PK百度 互聯網新舊勢力搏殺
【禁聞】郭美美二代 盧美美慈善機構遭質疑
【禁聞】王勇平成「替罪羊 」自怨「三錯」
【禁聞】李克強訪港作秀 多團體示威遇阻
【禁聞】民主官員與專制官員 大不同!
【禁聞】大陸“新婚姻法” 男人笑女人哭
【禁聞】向毛澤東聲明退團 王容芬回憶文革
【禁聞】中國多家媒體挨整 媒體人也遭殃
【禁聞】賴昌星將秘密開審 賈賀習神經緊繃