北京知名作家鐵流 :“這不等於笑話嘛!他(毛新宇)那個祖母江青,毛澤東發動(文革),為了把自己老婆打倒啊?這不講笑話嗎?”
Heaven's Retribution to Mao Zedong
Recently, the grandson of Mao Zedong, Mao Xinyu,
claimed that the reason that Mao launched
the Cultural Revolution is to "eliminate
the Gang of Four and Lin Biao."
The shocking remarks draw ridicule from netizens.
Scholars also comment that Mao Xinyu must have
mental problems, so it’s better for the CCP (Chinese
Communist Party) to put a stop to his tomfoolery,
otherwise, the CCP will only be made more embarrassed.
41 year old Mao Xinyu, Mao Zedong’s only grandson,
is the current Vice Minister of the Department of War
Theory & Strategic Studies at the Academy of
Military Science. He holds the rank of Major-General.
Recently, Mao Xinyu published an article claiming
that the reason that Mao Zedong launched
the "Cultural Revolution" was to eliminate
the "Gang of Four" and Lin Biao.
Tie Liu(Beijing-based renown writer): " This is just a joke!
His grandmother is Jiang Qing (founder of the gang of four),
could it be that Mao launched the Cultural Revolution
in order to take down his wife?"
Mao Zedong launched the Cultural Revolution in 1966
when Wang Hongwen, member of Gang of Four,
was only a secretary of the Security Department at
Shanghai No. 17 Cotton Mill.
Zhang Chunqiao, another member of the Gang of Four,
was Secretary of Shanghai Municipal Party Committee.
And Yao Wenyuan was an editorial member
of Liberation Daily.
It’s hard to imagine that Mao launched the Cultural
Revolution just for the elimination of these four.
Tie Liu points out that a decade Cultural Revolution was
a great evil that brought disasters to China.
Tie Liu: "Cultural Revolution destroyed the Chinese cultural
heritage of over 5000 years, including ancient books,
ancient paintings, historic sites, among others.
The Cultural Revolution caused the unjust death of 20 million people. "
Mao Xinyu claimed that in 1966, Liu Shaoqi was in fact
excluded from the status, so, he was definitely not Mao’s successor.
The target of Mao’s Cultural Revolution was Lin Biao.
His status of Mao’s successor had been written in CCP’s party guidelines.
However, in reality, it was only after the Cultural Revolution began
that Lin Biao replaced Liu Shaoqi to be the only
Vice Chairman of CCP Central Committee.
Lin was not recognized as Mao's successor until 1969.
Gu Xiaojun(Chinese Internet writer): " CCP’s 7000-Cadres
Conference in 1962 has already reflected the reason.
How did they assess the Great Leap Forward?
Mao Zedong claimed that 70% (of the economic collapse)
was due to natural disasters and 30% were man-made.
Liu Shaoqi claimed that 30% was due to natural disasters
and 70% man-made. His underlying tone was that
Mao should assume responsibility.
So, how could Mao stand this?"
In 1988, Mao Xinyu studied in the Department of History
at Renmin University of China. After graduation,
he did a postgraduate degree at CCP’s Central Party School.
Now he works for the Academy of Military Science.
In 2010, he was granted the rank of Major-General, becoming
the youngest Major-General in the PLA (People’s Liberation Army).
Netizens joked, “Mao Xinyu never spoke without mentioning
‘My grandfather’." He was ridiculed for following
Mao's inscriptions everywhere he visited.
In his article, Gu Xiaojun wrote,
"Mao Xinyu is not wrong! It is the system’s fault.
A child was given a gun for fun, that’s enough.
Why allow him to play Major-General?"
Gu Xiaojun: "I think Mao Xinyu’s problem is actually
a social problem, a problem of the system.
He might have an insufficient IQ, then don’t allow him to
make a fool of himself everywhere.
In this case, the CCP itself also feels embarrassed!"
Prior to his claim, Mao Xinyu was hired as
a visiting professor by Guangzhou University.
As a part-time professor, he requires the class to study
Mao Zedong Thought. The action was widely questioned.
Netizens satirized that he was washing his dirty linen
in public. It is Heaven's retribution to Mao Zedong.
NTD reporters Changchun, Li Qian and Zhu Di.


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