















Facts Behind One-Child Policy Are Spine-Chilling

“Better having ten tombs than having one new person.”

“If one person breaks one-child policy,

all men in village will have their tubes tied.

The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) one-child family

planning slogans have been carried out in the past 30 years.

These slogans are enforced and threatening,

and people are irritated.

Actually, one-child policy causes many tragedies,

With immeasurable harm done to women and children.

Last year, the National Population and Family Planning

Commission (NPFPC) said they would update the slogans.

In addition, NPFPC is to launch a “Face-washing Project”.

However, “Face-washing” doesn't solve any real problems

that the one-child policy has brought in.

On the contrary, it highlights the CCP's nature of

violence and lies.

The CCP's one-child policy has been carried out for 30 years.

In order to control the population, the one-child policy

is enforced, including abortion.

Some slogans cited, “Kill all your family members

if you don't follow the rule.”

“Better that your family be ruined than lose the country.”

“Be able to abort, do it, be able to miscarriage, do it,

but definitely cannot give birth.”

“If you escape, we'll hunt you down; if you want a suicide,

we'll give you either the rope or a bottle of poison.”

From the photos we can see these slogans on the walls,

with some on banners. Some are spine-chilling. However, it is even worse in real life.

Wu Jian is from the countryside in South China.

She couldn't afford 3000 Yuan to register a birth certificate,

so she hid herself during pregnancy.

She was reported while she was 7 months pregnant.

Local cadres couldn't find her, but arrested her father-in-law

instead, and beat him brutally. He later died.

Finally the cadres found her and took her to a hospital to

enforce an abortion. She experienced a hellish nightmare.

At the end of 2009, she testified to US Congress.

She shared the story, she said, “I think I had met the devil.”

In China, if children are born outside the one-child policy,

they will be deprived of education, healthcare and marriage.

The penalty for an extra child is ten times higher than

a family's average annual income.

If you can't afford the penalty, you will be arrested,

your home is smashed or your child is killed.

If a woman doesn't surrender, she will be locked up.

If she escapes, her family members or relatives

will be arrested and beaten up.

Even her colleagues or neighbours are implicated.

Victim Liang Zhiyuan said, “Face-washing” should wash

the heart first, not only to change the surface.

Liang Zhiyuan: “I firmly oppose this illegal administration,

we say in China, act according to law.

However, there is no one to take care of the illegal

administration. This is indulging them.”

“Saying one thing and do another.” Liang added.

Zhang Xinyu, founder of Global Information Freedom

Movement, said changing slogans can't solve problems.

He added that slogans cannot solve socialism problems,

nor any other issues.

Zhang Xinyu: “The CCP's temporary methods, such as

changing slogans, are not really resolving problems.

For example, in the one-child policy issue, the CCP

doesn't focus on this; it only focuses on its political power.”

Zhang believes that the CCP suddenly has this change,

indicating one group is struggling with another group.

Zhang Yuxin, “It is difficult to solve problems in China,

it only gets worse.

To settle the CCP's problem, we need to wait until

its collapse.”

Some people believe, “Face-washing Project” is a

“Surface Project”, and is meaningless to the public.

NTD reporters Dai Jing, Li Ting and Xue Li