臺灣弟子規動畫《小乾坤》入圍英影展 評審:媲美迪士尼動畫

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    【新唐人亞太台 2017 年 04 月 19 日訊】歡迎回來。由新唐人製作的原創動畫《天庭小子─小乾坤》再次在國際上發光,入圍英國勝利女神金影獎最佳動畫。


    由新唐人製作的原創動畫《天庭小子─小乾坤》(Heavenkid)再次在國際發光,入圍英國勝利女神金影獎(Gold movie award Goddes Nike)「最佳動畫」(Best Animation)。


    英國勝利女神金影獎評審 Jason Matthewson:「當我們看到小乾坤時,他傑出的動畫水準,立刻從眾多影片中脫穎而出。他的動畫製作,說實話,平心而論,就跟那些我看到的,大型動畫製作公司包括皮克斯、夢工廠和迪士尼等等製作的動畫一樣優秀。」(When we seeing Heavenkid, the animation stood out for us, head and shoulders above all the others. And the animation, to be quite honest, be fair about it, is as good a s anything I've seen from the leading animation film companies in the world, like Pixar, Dreamworks, etc, and Disney, things like that.)



    英國勝利女神金影獎評審Jason Matthewson(左一)
    英國勝利女神金影獎評審Jason Matthewson(左一)

    英國勝利女神金影獎評審 Jason Matthewson:「這部動畫傳達了許多道德內涵,很具人性意義。我能感受到創作團隊努力的想在故事中,教導正在看動畫和即將看到動畫的孩子們一些人生課題,這些生命故事在他們的成長過程中,將帶來深遠的影響。」(It has really showed a lot of moral compass within the show. It was very. It has a real human nature to it as well. And I feel like the creators were doing their best to, within the story, teach the young kids that were watching this or that will watch this just life lessons, a lot of good life lessons that will become very prevalent as they grow older.)



    英國勝利女神金影獎評審 Jason Matthewson:「他讓我想了解更多。雖然我能理解影片的內容,不過我覺得還有很多不了解的地方。我想了解更多,或許可以再看一次,去了解他背後更深一層的內涵。」(It (has) definitely made me want to know more. Because I felt that although it was familiar for me. I feel like there is a lot that I wasn't getting from it. And I feel that I want to know more. To be able to maybe watch it again, and get a different level of understanding from it.)


    新唐人亞太電視 張祺翎 綜合報導

