拿台灣施壓美企 白宮:中國共產黨無理取鬧!

【新唐人亞太台 2018 年 05 月 06 日訊】對於中國民航局致函給美國多家航空公司,要求不得將台灣、香港與澳門列為國家,美國白宮今天發表聲明,聲明中駁斥中共要求的政治正確,將其政治觀點強加於美國公民,是「歐威爾主義」式的無理取鬧。

白宮表示,中國民航局致函36家外國航空公司,其中包括多家美國航空公司,要求營運商改變其網站中的「台灣」、「香港」和「澳門」的標識,以符合中共的標準,這是「歐威爾主義」(Orwellian nonsense)式的無理取鬧,也是中共將其政治觀強加於美國公民和私營公司的部分作為。



美國「外交政策」(Foreign Policy)雜誌於4月27日報導,中國民航局致函美國聯合航空公司與美國航空公司,要求其全球業遵守陸方對於「分離主義」的限制,也就是必須將台、港、澳視為陸方的一部分,所以將台、港、澳視為獨立於中國大陸之外的指涉,必須移除。




Office of the Press Secretary


May 5, 2018


Statement from the Press Secretary on China’s Political Correctness

President Donald J. Trump ran against political correctness in the United States. He will stand up for Americans resisting efforts by the Chinese Communist Party to impose Chinese political correctness on American companies and citizens. 
On April 25, the Chinese Civil Aviation Administration sent a letter to 36 foreign air carriers, including a number of American carriers. This notice demanded that carriers change how “Taiwan,” “Hong Kong,” and “Macao” are identified on their websites and in their promotional material so that the references fall in line with the Communist Party’s standards.

This is Orwellian nonsense and part of a growing trend by the Chinese Communist Party to impose its political views on American citizens and private companies. 

China’s internal Internet repression is world-famous.  China’s efforts to export its censorship and political correctness to Americans and the rest of the free world will be resisted. 

The United States respects the broad freedom private companies have in their interactions with their customers, both in the United States and abroad. This respect is essential for a robust global marketplace.   

The United States strongly objects to China’s attempts to compel private firms to use specific language of a political nature in their publicly available content. 

We call on China to stop threatening and coercing American carriers and citizens.

中共拿台灣施壓太過頭 華府反彈.美航不甩
瑞典國家廣播電台 揭中共打壓台灣惡行
