30 Year-Old Precision Machining Factory Creates Multi-Functional Lift Chair to have a Share of the Senior Market
2019-05-02 18:17:01With the structural imbalance between the declining birth rate and the aging rate, the senior group has also become the new business opportunity. According to the data, the global senior market scale in 2025 will exceed USD 37 trillion, with NTD 3.6 trill
30年精密加工廠創多功能椅 搶銀髮族商機
2018-08-18 20:34:20少子化和高齡化結構失衡,銀髮族也成為新商機,根據資料顯示,2025年,全球銀髮族市場規模將超過37兆美元,台灣也有新台幣3.6兆元的商機,加上政府積極推動長照2.0,許多台廠都投入相關領域,包括有30多年經驗的精密加工廠,也成立健康事業部,創立品牌,推出電動多功能椅。