【新唐人2011年8月13日訊】英國《金融時報》駐北京記者安德裡尼(Jamil Anderlini)最近在他的博客上發表文章,介紹了中國大陸法輪功學員利用人民幣紙幣傳遞真相的訊息情況。法輪功學員究竟在紙幣上傳遞了甚麼信息呢?收到這些紙幣的大陸民眾又是甚麼想法?我們來看看。
Big News on Chinese RMB Notes
Jamil Anderlini, a Financial Times journalist in Beijing,
posted a blog article introducing the situation of
Falun Dafa practitioners' use of RMB notes
to propagate the truth information in China.
What do Falun Dafa practitioners propagate on the notes?
What do the Chinese folks think after they receive them?
Anderlini stated the reason why this kind of
truth-clarification RMB notes surfaced.
He said, in July 1999, the Chinese communist party (CCP)
began to suppress Falun Dafa practitioners
and turned up propaganda to defame and frame them.
Many Chinese do not really understand why the CCP wants
to suppress them and the real situation about Falun Dafa.
In order for the Chinese people to learn the truth,
the practitioners use various truth-clarification means.
Writing truth-clarification phrases
on RMB notes is one of them.
Mr. Yu from China:
“I have seen some of these notes at home.
I found 3 one-yuan notes.
On one note it reads 'Falun Dafa is great.”
The 2nd note reads 'The CCP is dying;
quitting the CCP can save you life.'
The 3rd note had a poem: Year after year,
I wish you the best the whole year.
Constant reciting of 'Falun Dafa is great'
will bring you endless blessings.”
Mr. Yu told the reporter that at the beginning of
the CCP's persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners,
many people including himself had misunderstanding of
Falun Dafa due to the CCP』s false propaganda.
Mr. Yu: “The people who can circumvent the firewall
to read overseas news are not many.
But those who know the persecution are sympathetic.
People practice Falun Dafa for health improvement,
which has nothing to do with political power.
Heath enhancement by Falun Dafa exercises
does not jeopardize the regime.
In fact, it is harmless to the regime.
Even if Falun Dafa has no health benefits,
it does not have any harms either.
So there is no need for the regime to
try so hard to suppress it.”
Mr. Cheng in China who received this kind of RMB notes
believes that this is a method for Falun Dafa practitioners
to convey their compassion.
Mr. Cheng: “Some notes read 'Falun Dafa is great,'
'Expedite your party quitting for your future peace,'
and 'The CCP is an evil party.'
I agree with the sayings and concur with this method.”
Li Qing, a Falun Dafa practitioner, said that
more and more Chinese who have learned the truth about
Falun Dafa are accustomed to the truth-clarification notes
when they receive them.
Li Qing: “I used to make a large quantity of such
truth-clarification notes when I was in China.
Now the information was printed onto the notes
with text font and color matching the notes,
giving people an impression of integration.
The benefits of using notes to clarify the truth are that
the CCP cannot destroy the notes in circulation and
the folks using the notes have actually become
the media to propagate the notes.”
According to the statistics of the Epoch Times website,
as of 1:00 AM, Aug. 7 Beijing Time,
the official number of the people who announced to quit
the CCP and its affiliations exceeded 100 million.
Li Dayong, Executive Director of
Global Service Center for Quitting the CCP:
Although the CCP controls all media in China,
the folks have their own methods.
The method of truth-clarification notes is a very good one,
which greatly helps to rectify the evil environment of the CCP
and enables the folks to know the truth and to be inspired
to quit the CCP, dissolve the CCP and end the persecution.
Let's read a short poem of truth clarification on a RMB note:
The celestial situation is extraordinary.
Please read the Nine Commentaries as soon as you can.
Quitting the CCP and its affiliations is no kidding.
It is to save your life and attain future peace.
NTD reporters Liang Xin, Li Jing and Xiao Yu

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