就在6、7月份,安徽省亳(音: Bó)州市居然推出了所謂「福彩一日捐」——「動員職工捐出一天的工資購買福利彩票」,這項募捐活動也因為涉及勸捐、強捐,而飽受民眾和媒體的批評。
Red Cross: Forced Donations In Tianjin
The 『Guo Meimei incident』 storm is not over
and the Chinese Red Cross has once again suffered a blow to its credibility.
The Red Cross in Tianjin initiated the 『Fraternity Donation Day,』
forcing people to make donations.
Mainland legal experts believe the forced donations
have no legal basis and are most probably illegal.
Analysts point out that the Chinese Red Cross is desecrating
the International Red Cross』 mission, and should be called the “CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Red Cross.”
The online version of Taiwan』s China Times reported that
the Tianjin Red Cross Fraternity Donation Day event,
forced workers at all levels of the municipal government
to donate a portion of their wages.
Although the contributions were referred to as “voluntary,”
the employees complained that they were forced to donate,
that is, contributions were deducted directly from their wages.
A netizen said, “Even the janitor was asked to donate!”
The Tianjin Beichen District Red Cross issued a document,
requiring that its donation event start before the end of July,
so as to include employees in all levels of government agencies,
groups, enterprises, and institutions that are making profits.
The document required that these enterprises donate
one day』s worth of income, and employees in public and
government organizations would need to donate
one day』s worth of wages.
The Beichen Red Cross also set specific requirements on the
amount of donations that one had to make.
According to the 『standard level of contributions,』 rule
bureau-level workers have to donate RMB 400 (US$62.59),
while division-level workers have to donate RMB 300 (US$47.00),
and section-level have to donate RMB 230 (US$36.00).
There』s also set requirements for senior and primary workers.
A worker in Tianjin had his wages deducted at the Fraternity
Donation Day event.
He complained to the Southern City Newspaper, saying, "I was forced to donate! Guo Meimei』s case is not over.
The Red Cross dares to collect donations from my wages!”
Shaanxi lawyer, Stephen Kang:
"The Red Cross is a charitable organization; money should come from citizens and businesses
according to their will.
Forcing people to do otherwise is illegal.”
In addition to Tianjin, places in Shanxi and Hebei Province
all hold a Love Donation Day event every year.
Shandong Province holds a Compassion Donation Day event.
The mainland Red Cross holds a slew of fundraising campaigns.
In June and July, Bozhou City in Anhui Province even launched
the so-called Lottery Donation Day event, asking workers to donate one day's worth of wages to buy welfare lottery.
This forced donations, fund-raising activity was also criticized.
ChenYongmiao, a mainland writer, told New Tang Dynasty TV
that according to the International Red Cross』 mission,
its mission is to serve as nurses and doctors for the needy,
rather than operate commercial-run monopolies, like the Chinese Red Cross.
Chen Yongmiao: "Like a newspaper, such as the People's Daily,
there is forced distribution and forced contributions.
Thus, the Chinese Red Cross has severely deviated
from the International Red Cross』 original mission.
I suggest that the International Red Cross abolish the
Chinese Red Cross, otherwise it』ll tarnish the Red Cross』 name.”
In Wuyuan County in Inner Mongolia,
the Red Cross set up requirements for fund-raising activities in 2011,
and even states
"The number of people who donate should be no less than 98%."
Chairman, Wang Chuanzhong, of Democratic Party in Fujian,
points out from his personal experience, that such things would never occur in the US.
In China, the Red Cross is under the control of the CCP,
and all enterprises, institutions, and groups must obey every CCP rule to survive.
Thus, forced donations are rampant.
Wang Chuanzhong: "The Chinese Red Cross, has the word
『Chinese』 in front of the words 『Red Cross,』 however,
its nature is actually the CCP Red Cross, not
the International Red Cross."
The Guo Meimei case had made the Chinese Red Cross the center of attention in the public』s eye, thus,
people no longer trust it as they have lost all confidence in it.
Forced by public opinion on July 31, the Chinese Red Cross
set up a donation information search platform in which donation
amounts were open to the public in Yushu City,
in Qinghai Province, but officials underreported the figures.
For example, a query into Jet Li's One Foundation contributions
to Yushu Province are listed as only RMB 25,430 (US$4,000), but the actual amount was RMB 2.63 million (US$408,000).
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Qian and Sun Ning

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