村民A:「目前來說就是要回遺體這是第一,第二的話,希望陸豐政府就算給我們一點點地,我們都心甘情願,我們認了。 再這樣下去真的..很難想像,最大的困難,最痛苦的事情,不是糧食,是思想的一種折磨。」
村民:「現在吃的也沒有,糧食也沒有,水電也給它停掉了, 11號(就)停掉了,現在只靠吃方便麵,自身,我也想哭了,真是太苦了,政府逼到我們這樣,所有路口都被陸豐市政府圍掉了,出入全部都要身份證,如果是烏坎的身份證就抓起來 現在整個村都不敢出去,不敢出去糧食哪裏有啊。」
Mourning of Xue Jinbo Suppressed
Protests in Wukan Village, Lufeng, Guangdong Province
have continued to escalate.
December 16 is 'the first seventh day' for Xue Jinbo,
a villager representative who was killed.
Over 10,000 villagers continue to gather to mourn him,
in spite of village closures, and the cutting of food supplies.
The local authorities refuse to return Xue's body,
forcing mourners to observe the empty coffin.
According to online sources, authorities will send large numbers
of troops and police to Wukan.
Villagers have responded that they will
"resist to the end, and never back down."
During the mourning, the villagers wrapped white cloth on
their arms, and bowed to the portrait of Xue Jinbo.
They are not shouting slogans, but simply have banners
『Appeal to the People, [but was] brutally killed;
punish the culprits, no escape from responsibility;
return the body.
As the Government has not returned Xue's body,
the villagers used his portrait as an alternative.
Villagers said that at present they only protest for the
return of Xue's body.
Villager A: "Firstly, it is our priority to have his body returned.
Even if the Government of Lufeng returned just a little bit of his body,
we would be satisfied, and accept it.
It is really hard to imagine what it will be like to go on like this.
The biggest problem and the most painful thing
is not lack of food, but mental torture.”
Since September, when the Wukan village conflict broke out,
the Guangdong authorities have tried using persuasive
measures towards villagers, none of which have worked.
Firstly, they tried had negotiations, then dismissed
the village cadres, and even responded to parts of demands from the villagers.
After 10 thousand villagers' peacefully demonstrated,
the authorities stated they were so-called 『foreign hostile forces',
seized village representatives, and closed the village by force.
Village representative Xue Jinbo was tortured to death
in prison,
but the authorities have claimed to have carried out
『independent investigations', and an 『independent autopsy'.
They have hidden Xue's body without returning it to his family,
and continue to send thousands of police to surround the village,
cutting their food, water and electricity.
The villagers continue to protest under siege, saying they are
now without food, with only instant noodles to survive on.
Villager: "Now there is no food, even water and electricity
had been cut since December 11.
Now we have to live on instant noodles.
I want to cry, it is really bitter, the government pressured us like this.
All junctions are closed, and ID card will be checked
when going in and out.
If you are from Wukan village, then you will be arrested.
All villagers are afraid of going out, and won't say they are getting food.
On the evening of December 14, Guangzhou netizens launched
activities in the street to support Wukan village uprising, but were besieged by the police until 11 pm.
Sina and Tencent micro blogging began to close accounts,
and screen information about Wukan village uprising.
Subsequently, the Chinese authorities began arresting netizens
who used their true names online.
Sources in the village said that on December 15, four villagers
spoke about the Wukan incident online, and were arrested by police. They are only released last night.
Villager A: "Some left comments online, such as
large-scale ones, micro blogging, or left a message on a micro-network or our own website.
Some were monitored by phone calls to our village.”
In the afternoon of December 16, Guangzhou a netizen
sent messages via a micro blogging site, asking for help.
He said he had sent a posting a few days ago, entitled "Lufeng
independent investigation”, but it was deleted by Sina later.
He was labeled as "inciting …”.
His posting asking for help was deleted within an hour.
Around 8:00 am on December 16, some netizens posted on
Twitter that Chinese authorities have sent a large number of police and armed forces to suppress people in Wukan village.
Villagers said they are not afraid of death, and will fight to
the end, without retreating.
Villagers: "If they want to arrest someone, they can arrest us
all. If they want to beat someone to death,
they can beat the whole village to death.
Regardless, the villagers won't retreat.”
In 2005, Shanwei incident in Guangdong shocked the world.
Government attempts to build a power plant in Dongzhoukeng village, Donghai Bay,
without reasonable compensation and resettlement according to law, resulted in residents
occupying the entrance to the plant, stopping construction.
The authorities sent over 1,000 policemen to suppress them.
Armored vehicles directly opened fire to the villagers.
CCP official propaganda Xinhua News Agency claimed that
only three villagers were killed.
According to villager sources, dozens of people died and 30 people were missing.
The event was nicknamed '6-4 massacre in village'.
Former Xinhua News Agency reporters Gao Yu believes that
the current Wukan crisis is heading toward the same resolution in Shanwei six years ago.
At that time, they were still two years separating the incident
from the 17th congress meeting, but there won't be this gap for Wang Yang today.
Gao Yu believes the only way out for Wang is to punish those
who killed Xue Jinbo.
NTD reporters Lin Li, Li Yun and Zhou Tian
【禁聞】中共嚴控出入境 中國護照處境尷尬
【禁聞】駱家輝炮轟中共 再令北京頭痛
【禁聞】烏坎自治逾週 中共警力突增倍
【禁聞】限粵語廣播 恐再煽「撐粵語」怒火
【禁聞】重兵圍烏坎 村民尋對策 外界憂血洗
【禁聞】黨員信教劇增 統戰部發文禁止
【禁聞】金正日死後 朝鮮半島契機風險并存
【禁聞】烏坎萬民將上訪市府 示威席捲粵東
【禁聞】後金正日時代 專家析朝鮮政局走向
【禁聞】房價降降降 藍皮書:對經濟致命影響