McCain: The Arab Spring Is Coming To China As Well.
On the 48th Munich Conference on Security Policy,
the U.S. Congress Senator John McCain sent out a warning.
“The Arab Spring is coming to China as well.” He said.
McCain's talk touched the sensitive nerve of the
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)'s regime.
Zhang Zhijun, CCP's Vice Foreign Minister,
struggled to refute the remark in response.
Outside comments review the fact that the CCP's expenditure
on stability maintenance has exceeded it's defense budget.
A change that indicates that the CCP dictatorship's end
will come soon.
On February 4, the Security Conference attendees included
McCain, Zhang Zhijun, Australian Foreign Minister, Kevin Rudd,
former French Foreign Minister Michel Barnier, among others.
Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State chaired the discussion
Former U.S. Republican presidential candidate John McCain
said the U.S. won't give up it's key role in the Middle East.
McCain called on the UN Security Council to stop
the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's massacres of civilians.
China and Russia have both vetoed the UN Security Council's
resolution condemning the Syrian massacre on 4th February.
One day before, the Syrian army had shelled protesters,
killing at least 260 civilians. The day became the bloodiest day in Syria so far this year.
Participants of the Munich Conference on 4th Feb.
expressed much concern about the CCP regime.
The CCP's non-democratization system and its military
expansion are causing a threat to the world.
McCain mentioned the recent self-immolations of
Tibetan monks who have protested against the CCP's rule.
McCain said: “I have said on many occasions and I will
say it again. The Arab Spring is coming to China as well.
And there is no way that you will be able to stifle it completely
because of these devices (shows a mobile phone).”
McCain also referred to the South China Sea sovereignty dispute.
CCP vice Foreign Minister, Zhang Zhijun, refuted his comments.
Zhang alleged that, the maintenance of regional peace and
stability relates directly to China's vital interests.
Zhang accused the US of strengthening its Asia-Pacific
military presence and of creating a tense atmosphere.
The CCP's mouthpiece People's Daily reported that the
meeting's atmosphere was filled with the smell of gunpowder.
Wang Tiancheng, a visiting scholar at Columbia University,
says that the CCP regime cheats itself.
The regime touts that it is supported by the Chinese people.
Whereas In reality, it is indifferent to a variety of social crises.
Wang Tiancheng says: "China's economic growth is costing
human rights and justice.
The accumulated massive contradictions have led to an increasing
instability, in reality. The authorities' corruption is expanding.
In this case, if China's authorities don't make political reform,
the "Arab spring" will eventually arrive."
Wang says that before the fall of communism in the Soviet Union
and in Eastern Europe, no one believed the SU could fall apart.
The CCP stressed today's Middle East is different from
the former SU, yet it cannot escape the anti-authoritarian trend that is manifesting in the Middle East.
Wang Tiancheng says: "Like any dictator, China's government
may feel confident with its repressive power.
However, a crackdown is not effective at any time.
Otherwise, all authoritarian countries would live long lives.
Of course, when the day comes,
many people may well be shocked."
The Arab Spring has had a huge impact on China. Recently,
an official document of the CCP's Anhui authorities was exposed.
The authorities had issued the file for the maintenance of stability.
24-hour surveillance over the internet, SMS, micro-blog,
and other communication tools are required.
The aim is to prevent mass protests and outbreaks, the file said.
Du Yanlin, Beijing-based CPA, comments that the regime's
high-handed stability will intensify the social conflicts and crises.
Duyan Lin: "I feel it is hard to predict how politics will vary in
the future. It may not necessarily go the way of the Arab Spring.
But change is inevitable; we shall see how the regime deals
with the people』s appeals, rationally or otherwise.
If it's rationally, making active political concessions,
it's perhaps a mild form of political change.
If it chooses Gaddafi's road or any other extreme ways,
that may bring China yet another change in politics."
Chairman of the Global Quitting the CCP Service Center,
Yi Rong, points out that the tidal wave of quitting the CCP
triggered by the book Nine Commentaries on the
Communist Party is disintegrating the CCP's organization.
The movement is guiding people worldwide to head for
a spiritual awakening.
Yi Rong notes that this provides a peaceful way to make
a political transformation in China in the near future.
NTD reporters Qin Xue, Li Yuanhan and Zhou Ping

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