The Long March: Intangible Cultural Heritage or CCP’s Propaganda?
Last December, Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences invited
14 central and western provinces and municipalities
to jointly apply for cultural heritage of the so-called
Red Army Long March route.
Some scholars indicated that the so-called Long March is
in fact the history of the escape route of the
Chinese Communist Red Army after the Fifth defeat by
the Nationalist Government.
This escape covers more than 10,000 km in two years.
The Communist historians made it into history of the Long March.
The application for a cultural heritage is believed to serve
as nothing but promotion of the legitimacy of the CCP,
and a tool for local officials to publicize their performance
while profiting.
Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences and 14 provinces and
municipalities in western China will work together
to promote the World Heritage List and projects
such as the Long March cultural centers.
Known as the Chinese Communists' 25,000 km, the Long March route
covers 15 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions such as Jiangxi, Sichuan, Chongqing and Shaanxi.
Hong Kong's Oriental Daily News believes Sichuan’s initiative
is solely a political performance.
According to the report, netizens believe the heritage application
and construction of cultural centers is a publicity stunt
and the poverty alleviation objective of the project is misappropriating;
but too good for any other local government to turn down.
Chinese history expert, Li Yuanhua, former associate professor
in the School of Education Science, Capital Normal University,
pointed out that the so-called long march is in fact the
Chinese Communist Red Army escape route after being defeated for the Fifth time by the Nationalist Government.
The Communists fled more than 10,000 kilometers in two years.
The Communist Party historians made it into the Long March, a period of epic history.
Chinese historian Li Yuanhua: "They (officials) don't care
about the importance of the long march,
but use the name for the visibility of the region and
to develop a new tourist route for money making.
From this perspective, they will work for it with their lives."
On the Internet, this heritage project has seen mocking and
condemnation from Web users.
Sichuan democratic activist Ran Yunfei wrote on the microblog,
“This is similar to when the emperor fled to Sichuan but was said to have “visited Sichuan.”
It’s a purely deceiving and brainwashing ideology.
Mainland lawyer Liang Gang said, “If escaping can be classified
as heritage, it should be on the top ten joke list of 2012.
Freelance writer and former Hebei People's Radio Editor, Zhu
Xinxin, said that the so-called Long March route does not qualify as cultural heritage.
Freelance writer Zhu Xinxin: "It (the Long March) may be a
very important event of significance to the Communists.
Considering this event in the grand scheme of world history,
it does not have the quality or nature of world cultural heritage.
Such an initiative is only to advocate so-called legitimacy for
the Chinese Communists."
As early as last year, historian Gao Hua pointed out that since
1936, the CCP inquired the memoir of the Red Army's Long March with
a very realistic and direct purpose – to fight for
material assistance to the Red Army from foreigners.
Finally, the memoir with more than 100 articles has long been
recognized as an inner reference and is prohibited from being revealed.
In 1954 this memoir was changed to "Long March of the First
Red Army" by the Central Propaganda Department and used as internal documents.
The articles describing the entertainment of the Red Army
were deleted because they do not match the propaganda
which describes how the Red Army was forced to eat grass and
chew bark to fill their stomachs while braving a hail of bullets.
Li Yuanhua said that the Chinese Communists have distorted
and fabricated the Long March to accommodate its political needs.
The heritage application is to fulfill its desire during
the current crisis regarding its political legitimacy.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Li Mingfei and Xiao Yu

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