也有一些博主在被封號後,再次註冊新號,繼續發帖表達不滿,有網友直接寫到「新浪無恥,再求封號!」 浙江作家、知名博主昝愛宗就曾被多次封號,最近他的第7個帳號再次被封。
SINA Microblog Upgrades Censorship, Black Listed Accounts Are Shut Down
Censorship on the SINA micro-blog continues to intensify.
On Feb. 6th, many micro-blog posts were deleted; those on
the blacklist had their accounts disabled and all posts deleted.
Regarding this, some suggested that SINA’s content
filtering system has been enacted, and the associated censorship systems were upgraded.
Mainland Chinese Human Rights website, Canyu Network,
reported that on the day of the Lantern festival,
SINA micro-blog deleted many user accounts
without giving any notice.
When netizens search, the system shows,
“this user does not exist.” That’s how they know the account was deleted.
According to the report, as of now, SINA micro-blog social
network service, which is China’s version of twitter, already has 250 million registered users.
However, under the strict control of the Chinese regime,
SINA frequently deletes user posts, and even deletes entire accounts.
At the end of last year, SINA micro-blog followed orders
from the regime to start requiring identity verification for new micro-blog accounts, known as the “real name policy.”
As early as Sept. of last year, SINA’s chief operating officer,
Charles Chao, expressed that
SINA was coming close to launching a content filtering system
in order to control the then new social networking service.
SINA’s actions have drawn waves of criticism from its users.
Mainland’s renowned scholars Yu Jianrong, Zhang Ming and
other micro-blog owners all abandoned their SINA micro-blogs
in protest of SINA’s nonstop deletion of posts and user accounts.
Some micro-blog users registered for new accounts after
theirs were deleted, then continuously sent posts expressing their discontent.
A netizen wrote, “SINA is shameless, (I) request to get (my)
account deleted again!”
Zhejiang author and well know blog owner Zan Aizong had
his account deleted many times, and recently his 7th account was censored again.
Zan Aizong, “Since maintaining stability is their number one
mission, they delete posts and accounts via whatever means necessary.
Right now the censorship is at its worst, maybe they have
orders for strict control due to the two meetings and the 18th People’s Congress.”
Zan expressed that SINA has a specially designed
censorship system and
a large number of human censors for implementing control,
post deletion, and account deletion of the 250 million users.
Zan Aizong, “SINA is quite shameless, deleting your account
without notice, and doing it many times.
Didn’t they request everyone to use real names?
Everyone’s already using real names, but it still deletes you.
So what’s the point of this real name system?
“Real name” is not the goal; its goal is to stop you from talking,
it doesn’t care if your name is real or not.
It doesn’t want you to talk, even your real name account gets
Recently, the CCP Propaganda Bureau issued orders to
establish a “Party Entity” to directly control micro-blogs.
SINA, Tencent, Sohu, and NetEase all received this order.
Mainland online author Jing Chu, “This is so absurd.
In today’s society, in the Internet age, in the age of
information freedom and intellectual diversity,
(the CCP) still use these methods;
this is going backward in history.
A society that blocks all these things will have no life.”
Human Rights movement organizer Hu Jun told the reporter
that new internet tools like Twitter allow for fast flow of information.
The Chinese regime puts itself in a dangerous position when
it lies in order to rule the country.
Hu Jun, “It (Chinese regime) is terrified.
There is no way to take it back, and even though they should
stop doing, it always wants to do something.
However, what it (Chinese regime) does becomes even more
ridiculous, more absurd, even more of a laughing matter.
It will do things you can’t imagine.”
Hu Jun also pointed out that the anti-censorship software like
Free-gate developed by Falun Gong practitioners
played an important role in breaking through censorship.
More and more people now understand the truth, the evil
nature of the Chinese regime, and have chosen to leave the evil party.
NTD Reporters Li Li, Li Qian and Xue Li



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