英國《金融時報》 報導,儘管中共持續施行高壓手段,讓公安部門措手不及的群體性事件卻一再發生。近期在四川藏區,警方開槍打死了多名藏族抗議者。西藏自治區強化了警方戒嚴措施,而新疆自治區上週宣佈新招收8000名警察。
CCP Short Of Police for Mass Protests
China faces slow economic growth, soaring inflation,
mass protest outbreaks and spread of social unrest in 2012.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) stepped up
its vigilance across China.
At the incoming 18th congress, the current political
leadership will hand over its power.
Foreign media point out, CCP's recent moves indicate its
growing police force isn't enough to deal with social unrests.
Under CCP's high-handed repressions, China's unexpected
mass protests continue to grow, Financial Times reported.
CCP police recently killed several Tibetan protesters
in Sichuan.
The martial law was officially strengthened
in the Tibet Autonomous Region.
Last week in Xinjiang, the local CCP authorities declared
to recruit 8,000 extra policemen.
The CCP's internal security spending keeps growing,
exceeding the defense budget.
However, the police force for maintaining stability
across China still see shortage.
Over the past 30 years, official data shows figures of crime
and mass protests grow much faster than that of police force.
In 1978, China had 0.68 million policemen,
in 2003, the figure is over 0.86 million.
Still yet, over the past 10 years,
the police force numbers shot up in China.
Xin Lijian, Vice President of Guangdong Humanities Society,
recently listed figures of China's mass protests in an article.
In 1993-2003, the figure peaked at 60,000, from 10,000.
Participants reached 3.07 million from 0.73 million.
In 2003-2005, a total of 0.2 million mass protests occurred.
Over 10 million people joined protests.
In 2010 alone, China's mass protest cases
went up to 0.18 million.
Zhang Jian, US-East executive committee member
of Democracy Party of China, reviews the issue.
The harsher the CCP's maintenance of stability gets,
the more unstable the society becomes, says Zhang.
Zhang Jian: “As far as we know China's mass protests
rose to 0.26 million in 2011.
China's internal security spending hit a historical new record.
This has incited public criticism both in China and abroad.
As frictions between civil society and the regime intensify,
no amount of army will be enough to safeguard stability.”
The CCP official media said that the police force in 2011
was about 2 million.
That is an average of 150 policemen per 0.10 million people.
The figure is less than half of the world average figure the UN announced in 2005.
CCP President Hu Jintao put forward a slogan
of "innovative social management" in 2011.
Hu required the security personnel and localized officials
to prevent outbreak of mass protests.
Hu offered means like more active communities mediations
and more effective grass-root information-gathering.
Beijing-based rights lawyer, Mo Shaoping,
analyzes China's officials-civilians clash.
The essential reason of it is the one-party dictatorship,
and the CCP standing above the law.
Mo Shaoping: "In terms of macro-economy, mass protest
refers to the infringement of various civic legitimate rights:
- on civic properties, like demolition & eviction compensation,
occupation of farmlands, house compensation, etc.;
- on judicial injustice; - on conflicts between ethnic groups;
- on citizens' political rights, i.e. elections, unexpected events.
A large clash also shows up as the gap widens between
rich and poor, i.e. the Gini coefficient is getting bigger."
UN』s data shows that China's Gini coefficient exceeded 0.55
in 2011, as one of the nations with the highest wealth gap.
Gini coefficient of 0.4 is the warning level, indicating
a potential social unrest due to wealth polarization.
Financial Times revealed, CCP's police force for stability
security is harried by regional gaps and system flaws.
Over 70 million armed policemen are located across China.
In Tibet and Xinjiang alone, the number of armed police
is huge, but it is still not enough.
Yet in 2008, Shanghai's per-capita spending
on law enforcement was twice that for Xinjiang.
The CCP security system has another serious weakness:
Regular police aren't enough, so its complementary security system is much larger.
The complementary system includes state security police,
secretly monitoring dissidents, and chengguan (the city urban management agency.)
The chengguan are notorious
for assaulting small street vendors.
According to the foreign media, a great part of CCP's
public security forces are non-formal teams.
These teams even include CCP political work organs
at a grass-root level.
Media claim, having had little training of the law,
these grass roots teams are intensifying civic-official frictions.
As its18th congress nears, the CCP faces increasing
difficulties to tackle ongoing mass protests and social unrests.
NTD reporters Liu Hui, Li Yuanhan and Xiao Yu

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