與圍觀塗鴉等網民自發行為類似,網絡「惡搞」視頻,同樣成為大陸網民新的針砭時弊方式之一。 2005年末胡戈製作短片「一個饅頭引發的血案」盛行網絡,從此開始了網絡視頻惡搞的先風。其中「淮(Huái)秀幫」利用連續劇畫面惡搞,自製配音反諷社會現象,尤為爆紅。
China’s Web Campaign: "Occupy Obama’s Google+ Page"
Enclosed by the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) regime’s
internet censorship, Chinese netizens' creativity boomed.
Some be onlookers, some posting views online,
some producing spoof short films to criticize current events.
With tens of millions of echoing peers, they have become
China's new internet generation that makes a big difference.
A recent cal on web to "Occupy Obama’s Google+ page" was
initiated during the CCP’s fleeting ban-lifting of Google+ site.
“Google +” is a social networking site, real-time messaging
online for global netizens by text posts, videos and pictures.
During CCP’s Vice President Xi Jinping’s recent US visit,
the regime partially lifted the internet blocking.
The Chinese found from Feb. 20th, they could gain access to
Google + without turning to anti-censorship software.
A call to "Occupy Obama’s Google+ page” was launched
on Sina Weibo and Twitter.
The call quickly resonated with a slew of Chinese comments
posted after the latest topic on Obama's Google+ page.
Voice of Germany reported that the occupation culminated
on Feb. 23rd and 24th.
The American and European netizens' posts said Obama's
Google+ page quickly refreshed with all Chinese messages.
They wondered if any problems occurred. A netizen wrote,
“Reviews on Obama's page are now the Chinese version”.
The report quoted a Chinese cartoonist' comic, "Obama's
Google + page was flooded with Chinese netizens' postings.
They held placards reading “Release Chen Guangcheng”,
“Let Gao Zhisheng return home”, “Concerned with Tibet ",
“Freedom of press", "Deny censoring", among others.
On Feb. 25, Google + was again blocked by the CCP
Bei Feng, Chinese media professional, reviewed the issue
in Voice of Germany’s interview.
Chinese netizens have no channels to express their views
under CCP’s overall control over the internet, he said.
So they left messages on Obama's Google + page, calling
on Obama to pay more heed to China’s human rights conditions.
Beyond onlookers and online posting, the online spoof
videos became one of ways to create political satires.
In late 2005, the first online spoof video, entitled
“a murder evoked by a streamed bread”, prevailed online.
The drama series produced by Huaixiu Gang are particularly
popular. Picture & spoof words satirize China status quo.
E.g. because no help is given to the fallen elderly, a video by
Huaixiu Gang had over a million views within a few months.
Princess Huanzhu: “You're Princess' maid. You should offer
hand to any elderly who falls down.
If she blackmails you, my husband will despise her
If you loose the lawsuit, my father emperor will seek justice
against her in his incognito travel."
Flirting Scholar: If you lost the lawsuit, I will round up
the Four Aces in Southern Yangtze River Area to help you.
We four will take seven days and nights to write
a request for redress for you.
His shakedown will be thoroughly refuted and fully exposed,
and justice will be finally given back to you.”
Infernal Affairs: “We are film stars. The audience gives us
We continue to help the elderly, no matter if the falling down
Is true or otherwise. It's a deal!”
Now the quality of online spoof videos is increasingly delicate,
ranging from individual show to the group performance.
The contests of Chinese online spoof videos rankings have
attracted hundreds of thousands of netizens voters.
A netizen comments that although it is in a spoof form,
it comprises people’s deep attention to the society. If it is
simply for fun, it is hard to survive, says the netizen.
NTD reporters Xu Min and Zhou Tian

【禁聞】王立軍事件失控 中共官員找退路

【禁聞】樓市降價潮 茅于軾:降50%不過份

【禁聞】活取熊膽 眾人齊喊滾


【禁聞】合肥花季少女被毀容 申冤路艱難

【禁聞】中共兩會民生重提 權鬥白熱化




【禁聞】王立軍缺席兩會 薄熙來高調表忠

【禁聞】冤民不信任兩會 駐華使館前喊冤



【禁聞】奧巴馬令貿易執法 解決美中失衡

【禁聞】道德崩潰釀執政危機 中共打雷鋒牌

【禁言博客】當利比亞民眾罵“China 卐”的時候