稍早時候,美國《華盛頓自由燈塔》網站發表資深媒體人比爾‧戈茨(Bill Gertz)的文章披露:中共要求美國歸還王立軍交給美方的材料。這也間接證實了這些內幕資料對中共的威脅。
Wang Lijun's Case out of Control, CCP Officials Looking for A Way Out
Wang Lijun'flee to Chengdu's U.S. Consulate led the CCP
(Chinese Communist Party) into an unprecedented crisis.
Furthermore, the documents Wang gave to the Consulate
made CCP feel helpless, despite its skills to block the truth.
Now CCP officials are said to be worried about Wang case'
impact and start to look for a way out, in case CCP collapses.
An anonymous Chinese source told Epoch Times the news,
that Wang Lijun submitted 6 packages to the U.S. Consulate.
They include Bo Xilai's family corruption evidences and plan
of Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang to overthrow Xi Jinping,
which plan got the support of Jiang Zemin, ex-leader of CCP.
The documents stated that Bo Xilai was promoting
the so-called "Chongqing Model” to the whole country.
Bo worked actively against the Hu-Wen faction,
the private entrepreneurs, dissidents, and spiritual groups.
He had as well plans to launch
another "cultural revolution."
Wang Lijun also had evidences that Bo Xilai ordered and
oversaw live organ harvesting on Falun Gong practitioners.
There're also some documents issued by the political & legal
system on the suppression of Falun Gong and dissidents.
Earlier, the U.S.'Washington Free Beacon website published
an article on the issue, authored by the senior editor Bill Gertz.
The article said that CCP asked the U.S. government
to return the documents that Wang Lijun submitted.
This action indirectly confirms
how important those documents are to the CCP.
Lan Shu, a commentator of Sound of Hope (SOH) radio,
shared some thoughts on the issue.
Lan thinks, Wang's submission of documents to U.S. made
CCP's efforts fail completely, thus CCP is in despair now.
Lan Shu: "CCP doesn't know what Wang Lijun had submitted
to the U.S. Consulate and Wang will not tell Beijing this either.
Wang may tell them some of it, but what's in most
of the documents he will not mention.
In this case, the initiative'power isn't in Beijing's hand."
Recently, the most impacted person Bo Xilai appeared often
in media as CCP Chongqing secretary, causing conjectures.
Dr Li Tianxiao from the U.S. Columbia University
published an article on the issue.
Dr Li points out that CCP is very clear on the consequences
of those documents being made public.
There would be sanctions from the international community,
and a mass protests inside China, leading to CCP's collapse.
That's a key reason why CCP hesitates to deal with Bo Xilai,
and can't reach to an agreement internally for so long.
On the other hand, CCP officials started to plan
for the future, in the worst case scenario.
They leaked news to international websites as to check
if the international community will accept their asylum.
This is indicative that they are looking
for a way out for themselves.
Jiang Zemin, Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai are sued in many
countries for their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
And their asylum applications can't be accepted
by those countries.
Wang Zhiyuan, Head of "World Organization to Investigate
the Persecution of Falun Gong" (WOIPFG) discusses the issue.
Wang points out that Wang Lijun and Bo Xilai are suspected
of organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.
Facing CCP's nearing collapse, for any official involved
in the persecution of Falun Gong there's only one way out.
Wang Zhiyuan: "Firstly, (the official) needs to stop
the persecution and to confess the crimes he committed.
Secondly, he needs to collect and report the criminal facts
of others and supply the related valid evidence to WOIPFG.
These will help him get amnesty and forgiveness
when he faces trial in the future."
Li Tianxiao also points out that for Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao
the only way out is to deal urgently with Jiang Zemin 'faction.
To redeem themselves, Hu and Wen need to shatter Jiang's
criminal group and conform to the historical tide of CCP's disintegration.
The book "Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party"
initiated a tide of quitting CCP and its related organizations.
Currently, there are over 110 million people who have
announced online their quitting of CCP and its organizations.
A Fang (volunteer, Quit CCP centre):"I hope all officials
and citizens in China quit the evil CCP in their hearts.
It's fine to use a pen name or a pseudonym.
They can quit by themselves.
They can do it either online or write the quitting words
on a piece of cash and spend the money out.
Quitting in their hearts can bring them a better future,
to themselves as well as to their families."
Fang stressed that CCP officials and the public need
to know the entire evil truth and essence of the CCP.
They need to totally clean the CCP's pernicious influence,
and abandon all illusions they have about CCP.
They must quit CCP, its Youth League and Young Pioneers,
to protect themselves from becoming CCP's scapegoats.
NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Qian and Xiao Yan

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