Wen Jiabao Claims: "The Party Commands The Gun".
Wen Jiabao』s government work report stressed absolute
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leadership over the army.
Wen』s high-profile declaration in the CCP』s 5th session of
the 11th National People's Congress was considered rare.
The public are highly concerned about the CCP top
leadership, and what happened inside the Party.
Is there a chance of a military riot occurring anytime?
On March 5 in Beijing, the CCP Premier Wen Jiabao
delivered a work report at the session of national congress.
Wen claimed to "strengthen setting up the political ideology,
adhere to the Party』s absolute leadership over army.”
"The Party commands the gun." Wen emphasis was deemed very rare compared
to his speeches over recent years,
Analysis by China issues expert, Wu Fan, shows Wen』s
claim indicates there is a state of "anti-CCP" in the army.
Wu Fan: "Wen Jiabao』s job isn』t related to the military.
Over the years, the government work report has never
touched on this topic, but is now embracing it.
That is, the Party』s absolute control over army.
It very clearly indicates a serious tension existing between
the military and the CCP."
Gu Junshan, Vice Minister of the General Logistics Dept
of the People』s Liberation Army (PLA), was given a double-designation status in February.
Gu had been sacked for corruption, and the removal caused
a strong shock within the army.
Gu reportedly did not take the punishment seriously,
saying, “we are all in this together.”
Gu drove to a nuclear facility in the eastern suburbs of Beijing,
attempting to create an man-made incident of a nuclear leak.
Gu』s act greatly terrified the CCP Central Military Commission.
The Sydney Morning Herald reported on the issue.
Gu』s removal was axed by the CCP General Liu Yuan,
political commissar of the General Logistics Department.
Liu had warned a group of army officers in a speech.
The rampant deep-rooted military corruption has
threatened the existence of the CCP and army, Liu alleged.
Wu Fan: "I think the army』s effort of anti-corruption is
one of the reasons.
Now the CCP』s greatest difficulty is not military corruption,
which has lasted over decades.
Now its warning indicates the army』s disobedience,
a possible rebellion, a potential military coup."
The Deputy Chief of the PLA General Staff Headquarters,
Zhang Qinsheng, was dismissed from office not long ago.
Zhang reportedly had proposed to gradually make army
“nationalized” at a high-level meeting.
The news has not yet been confirmed by the CCP regime,
but widely spread by media in China and abroad.
On March 5, Zhang attended the National People』s Congress,
and replied to a Sing Tao Daily reporter: “Don』t talk about these things any more.”
Chinese netizens say that China's national affairs have
long been in the hands of the CCP.
The national army finally turned out to be the CCP』s military,
comments say.
Zou Wei, Democracy activist, China: "The armed forces』
development into a Party army is a deserted notion in democratic countries.
Military nationalization is an inevitable trend in society.
The regime has no guts to nationalize army, and to carry out
a radical construction of democratic politics.
Now it adopts a hold-on attitude, which is just a mistake.”
Sources said Wang Lijun, Chongqing』s vice mayor, fled to
the US consulate and handed in proof of CCP infighting.
Wang unveiled the plot of Bo Xilai, Chongqing』s CCP
Secretary and Zhou Yongkang, Politburo Standing Committee member.
Bo and Zhou secretly conspired to topple Xi Jinping,
the CCP』s Vice President, according to reports.
Wu Fan: “Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai control the armed
police, which should have been commanded by the military.
But Jiang Zemin gave the power to Zhou Yongkang.
Zhou will probably associate some military forces to fight
against Hu Jintao, initiating a military coup. That』s their biggest concern."

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