【新唐人2012年3月8日訊】中共兩會期間,藏民自焚事件持續增加。 5號,18歲藏族男孩多吉自焚身亡,他在點燃火焰時高呼:藏族自由;而之前的兩天,也有兩名藏族婦女自焚。從去年3月至今,因抗議中共對藏區施行文化滅絕政策,已有26名藏民不惜用身體做火炬,來驚醒世人。
貢嘎扎西: 「不管西藏人民採取甚麼樣的非暴力行為,它們(中共)都把它定性為打、砸、搶、燒,老百姓不能集會,不能遊行,不能請願,在這樣一個情況之下,他們只能選擇採取自焚的一個途徑,向中國共產黨在西藏實施的政策表示不滿。」
「西藏宗教基金會」董事長達瓦才仁:「 西藏的語言文化或語言文字被消滅,其實就是民主被消滅,因為民主一些..不管他的歷史認同,信仰,所有的載體都是藏語文,這些沒有了,這個民族就不可能有存在,所以說歸根結底,它其實就是一種民族滅絕的方式,是從精神和文化的層面去滅絕西藏民族的這樣的一個政策的推行。」
貢嘎扎西:「這幾年來,它(中共)洗腦工作做的非常厲害,812-819所以在西藏各地發生甚麼事情,真實的情況呢,大陸境內的老百姓不了解,918-932 但是現在信息發達,網絡時代,總的來說,它不管怎麼隱瞞,事實暫時能隱瞞,但是從長遠來講,它不能隱瞞這些事實情況。」
採訪/朱智善 編輯/李韻 後製/肖顏
Three Tibetans, 3 self-immolations in three days
During the two sessions of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party),
Tibetan self-immolation continues to increase.
On the 5th, an 18-year-old Tibetan boy Duoji
was killed by self-immolation.
He lit the flame and shouted: free Tibet.
Two days before, two Tibetan women self-immolated.
Since the 26th March, Tibetans have sacrificed their bodies to
awaken the world about the CCP's cultural genocide.
On the 5th ,around 6pm, in Anduo Aba Jialuo Township,
Sichuan, the 18-year-old Duoji self-immolated on a bridge.
He went from the bridge to the local government office
engulfed in flames. He died on the spot due to fatal injuries.
When the Tibetans tried to carry away his body,
the police came and forcibly took away the remains.
Gongga Zhaxi, an analyst of Dalai Lama's New York office
pointed out that the long-term suppression,
racial discrimination and cultural genocide
make the Tibetans situation unsustainable.
They cannot continue to live,
they can only choose self-immolation to protest.
Gongga Zhaxi: "No matter what non-violent acts the
Tibetans do, the CCP regards it as fighting, smashing, looting and burning.
The ordinary people cannot assemble, march and petition.
Under such conditions, they can only choose the way of
self-immolation to show their dissatisfaction with the CCP's policies towards Tibet."
Two days before Duji's self-immolation,
two Tibetan women did the same thing.
On the 3rd, in the Tibetan Middle School, Maqu County,
Gannan District, Gansu, a 19-year-old girl, Rangji,
self-immolated in a vegetable market to protest
the replace f Tibetan textbooks into Chinese textbooks.
Last October, in the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture,
Qinghai, tens of thousands of Tibetan students went on the
streets to protest and called out, "We need Tibetan courses".
Dawa Cairen, chairman of the Tibet Religious Foundation:
"The elimination of Tibetan language and culture is in fact the elimination of this ethnic.
All the historical identities, beliefs are carried in the
Tibetan language. The minority will disappear without these.
So this is actually a kind of minority extinction,
which is to extinguish the Tibetan minority from spiritual and cultural levels."
On the 4th, a 38-year-old woman from Aba County, Renzhen,
self-immolated near the gate of a military camp.
News from Tibet said that she shouted: "Dalai Lama returns to Tibet" and
"We need freedom" when she lit herself.
Gongga Zhaxi pointed out that Renzhen's voice
is every Tibetan's voice.
In recent years, CCP's suppression of Tibetans
is the direct reason causing Tibetans'self-immolation.
Gongga Zhaxi:"In recent years, it (CCP) arrested, suppressed
and beat not only those who joined the demonstrations,
but also those who engaged in networks, writers, poets
and influential people in Tibet, especially those masters of the temples."
"France International Radio" reported that, on the 8th
of the International Women's Day,
the Tibetan women are still suffering from the repression,
occupation and spiritual repression of several generations.
Since last March, 26 Tibetans self-immolated to protest.
Facing the continuous self-immolation incidents,
the CCP still treat the Dalai Lama as a scapegoat.
On the 2nd during the press conference, the spokesman of
the CPPCC suggested the self-immolation was premeditated
and claimed that the Dalai Lama is a "double-dealing"person.
Gongga Zhaxi pointed out that, the CCP cannot fool the
ordinary people through this method since, now it is the internet era.
Gongga Zhaxi: "In recent years, it(CCP) is very good at
So the real situation in Tibet cannot be known
by the mainland Chinese people.
But now in the internet age,
no matter how the CCP tries to conceal,
the facts can be temporarily hidden,
but in the long run, it cannot hide these facts."
A Tibetan told "Radio Free Asia" that, currently there are 5-6
thousands police in the local county who live a very repressed life.
Besides, Tibet University students cannot go out of school
since the 5th of March.
They students need a student card and
Lhasa residents need an ID card to go out.
British media reporters secretly visited Aba County.
The latest video is widely spread on the internet.
The video reveals that Aba has become
a military-controlled county.
But the Tibetans hold their beliefs and for the Tibetan cause,
they will not hesitate to use their body as a torch.
Now on the square of United Nations Headquarters in New York,
three Tibetans have been on a hunger strike for two weeks.
They asked the UN to send an independent delegation
to Tibet to investigate;
called on Beijing to allow the independent media to go to Tibet;
asked the CCP authorities to stop the “patriotic education” of the Tibetans etc.

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