Sichuan Official Fight Back; Wang Yang and Yu Zheng
Avoid Suspicion; Bo Xilai Far from Good.
During the Two Sessions, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) was asked to publish the truth of Wang Lijun.
The mayor of Chongqing City admired that many police
cars surrounded the US consulate in Chengdu.
They were Sichuan Police, but a news spokesman
for the Sichuan Government refuted this publicly.
Wang Yang, CCP Secretary of Guangdong Province, was
asked about the Wang Lijun incident by a Japanese journalist.
Wang Yang evaded with the excuse
of being the wrong interviewee.
Moreover, Yu Zhengsheng, CCP Secretary of Shanghai,
spoke about the corrupt officials on the Shanghai Delegation
Open Day, which was thought to be directed at Bo Xilai.
Therefore, it's predicted that Bo Xilai's prospect is not good.
On March 5, Huang Qifan, Mayor of Chongqing spoke about
the Wang Lijun incident publicly.
When Phoenix TV interviewed him, he admired that he
came to the US consulate, so as to cut off Wang Lijun.
He also recognized many police cars with Sichuan license
plates surround the US consulate in Chengdu.
Huang Qifan: “It is said that there were many cars,
and the photo shows they are Sichuan police.
This kind of thing is normal in Sichuan.”
The Singapore Lianhe Zaobao newspaper reported,
a reply to Huang Qifan's words, on March 7.
The news spokesman of Sichuan Government expressed that
he was not in Chengdu when the event happened.
He didn't hear that before Wang Lijun fled to the US consulate,
Sichuan Police Bureau made the appointment for him.
Nor did he hear that the Sichuan Police
involved in Wang Lijun's event.
The commentator Zhang Tianliang said: “Wang Lijun's event
put the CCP under difficult circumstances.
Without explaining the incident, it will lead to infighting, with
each faction spreading news abroad.
This is to protect themselves, and attack dissidents.
Zhang Tianliang: “It is concluded that the Wang Lijun event
is not a problem of corruption.
The reason Wang Lijun applied for political asylum was due
to witch-hunting, as he provided strong evidence;
Huang Qifan besieging the US consulate, triggering
a diplomatic crisis.
This could almost terminate the political career
of Bo Xilai and Huang himself.
But Huang bet all on a single throw, to try to cover
more serious offences of Bo and himself.
Because once those offences are exposed, it is easier to
kill Bo and himself compared to “besieging the consulate”.
Wu Fan, a China issues expert: “Bo Xilai's issue is not easy.
His fate will be decided by the central government first,
then executed by local government. How to deal with it?
That's the second step, but it will dealt with.”
On the Two Sessions in Beijing, Chongqing Delegation
is cautious about the Wang Lijun event.
Many delegates escaped away from the journalists
when asked about Wang Lijun .
Wu Fan: “It's normal. 70-80% of people will choose to stand
with the crowd or stronger people.
Now, Chongqing's power is weaker and weaker.
The officials have to think about what to do next,
which side they should support, and who can help them.
All problems have come out.”
Moreover, during the Two Sessions, Wang Yang,
CCP secretary of Guangdong Province, was asked
about Wang Lijun's incident by a Japanese journalist,
but Wang Yang evaded on the excuse of wrong interviewee.
However, Yu Zhengsheng, CCP Secretary of Shanghai
and a member Politburo Standing Committee, spoke about
“naked (corrupt) officials” on Shanghai Delegation Open Day.
He said, “If an official's wife and children are abroad,
it is not good for him to do his job,
which also can't satisfy the masses.”
Canyu.org reported, that based on public information,
the only member in Politburo Standing Committee whose
wife or children are abroad is Bo Xilai.
His son, Bo Guagua studies in the UK.
Under this situation, Yu Zhengsheng talked about “naked
(corrupt) officials.”
He was making people think about Bo Xilai, whose words
do not match with his actions.
On one hand, he launched a movement to praise the CCP,
but on the other hand, he sent his son to the capitalist world.
Commentators thought Yu Zhengsheng dared to attack
Bo Xilai by innuendo publicly at the Two Sessions.
This indicates Bo Xilai's good life has run out.




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