權力運動胡軍:「這本身就是流氓團夥制定的惡法,奴役中國的百姓, 我們立法的部門都是非法的部門,它立出的東西有甚麼意義呢? 國家的存在是為了保護每一個人的權益,而不是任意剝奪他們的權益,那麼任意剝奪他們的權益的國家我們要它做甚麼?只有一種方式叫它下臺。」
CCP's Troubling Amendment to Criminal Procedure Law
On March 8, Wang Zhaoguo, vice chairman of the national
congress Standing Committee accounted for the draft amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law.
The draft stipulates, criminals accused of "endangering
national security" and "terrorism" can be detained without notifying their families if this “obstructs the investigation.”
Analysts think this will allow the Chinese Communist Party'
(CCP) regime to capture dissidents more easily.
And the “forced disappearance”
would thus be “legalized.”
The debate focuses on the clause that allows police to
secretly detain suspects without notifying their families,
if it “obstructs the investigation”. In other words,
if the suspects were presumed to “obstruct the investigation,”
the authorities can hold suspects in secret locations
without notifying their families.
The stipulation applies to cases of terrorism
or endangering national security.
Lawyer Zanning Zhang says that this helps the regime
to arbitrarily capture dissidents with such accusations.
The clause makes it “legal”
to have dissidents “disappear.”
Zanning Zhang: "Now in judicial practice, the parties are
often arrested only for remarks, even without criminal acts that endanger state security.
The same case is with those who form a political party.
They are charged with a crime of subverting state power.
Only for thinking and remarks, the parties can be captured
with such criminal charges."
In August 2011, CCP』s first draft allowed “detention, arrest,
assigned residence and residential surveillance without notifying the family in case of impeding the investigation.”
The clause aroused severe public censure, which deemed
the regime as attempting to legalize "forced disappearance."
Hu Jun (Sponsor of Human Rights Campaign in China):
"It's itself an evil law made by gang of hooligans, to enslave the Chinese people.
The legislative organs in China are all illegal,
what's the significance of its legislation then?
A government should exist to protect every citizen's rights
and interests, rather than arbitrarily deprive them of those.
Do we need a regime that exists to arbitrarily deprive
its citizens from their rights and interests?
There's only one way out –to topple them down."
Zanning Zhang notes that there are no set criteria to judge
this draft clause, thus it is a serious human rights violation.
Zanning Zhang: "The accusation of endangering national
security is highly speculative in itself.
Under what circumstances is a crime determined
as endangering the state security?
Can a thought be found guilty only because it is
inconsistent with that of the (CCP's) Central Committee?
The explanation of the stipulation is very uncertain,
the concept is obviously vague.
Now it uses the excuse of obstructing the investigation
to avoid notifying the families.
I believe this is a serious violation of the suspect's
human rights, a violation of the families' right to know."
Lang Sheng, deputy director of CCP' Legislative Affairs
Commission replied to the reporters' questions.
“We have no ‘secret captures.' and there is no
such law stipulations in China,” Lang said.
Zanning Zhang: "There are no such law clauses, indeed,
but we see its frequent occurrence in the judicial practice.
For example, Gao Zhisheng, who often disappears
secretly. Isn't this an arrest?
There is law of arrest in China, according to which
the arrest must be approved by the Public Security Bureau.
Then it's execution must be authorized
by the court and the prosecutor.
However the secret disappearance is very common
in the judicial practice."
Zanning Zhang warns if the draft stipulation gets approved,
China's judicial system will become more imbalanced.
It will lean more to organs of public security and procurators,
than to security of the civilians' rights and interests.
Anyone can “disappear” at any time only for his
inconsistence with the regime's views, says Zhang.
The draft amendment to the Criminal Procedure Law
is scheduled to be voted on March 14.
The Criminal Procedure Law is also known
as the "mini-constitution."
The legislation stipulates the basic civil rights,
including citizens' life, property, freedom, etc.


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