US send more military power to Asia-Pacific region
The U.S. recently announced that it will deploy more military
power to the Asia-Pacific region, including an aircraft carrier.
The U.S. also stepped up military ties with the Asia-Pacific
countries, including Australia, the Philippines, Singapore etc.
March 8th, U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense Ashi Dayton
Carter said that in the next few years,
the proportion of the warships that the United States stations
in the Pacific will increase from the current 52% to 60%.
Aircraft carrier will also increase from 5 to 6. Navy and Marine
Corps will also enhance deployment in the Asia-Pacific region.
Reuters analyzed the purpose of the US action is to respond to
China's growing military power as well as maintaining peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.
A report issued by "Jane's Defense advisory body" last month
pointed out that China's defense spending will reach $ 238 billion in 2015,
more than the sum of all countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
This makes all the neighboring countries feel uneasy.
Cheng Xiaonong, scholar in US, said:
"Amongst all the Asia-Pacific regions,
a consensus gradually formed that China is now becoming
a threat which makes many Asia-Pacific countries worry.
Many countries are now reconsidering their national defense
and security. In fact, they regard China as a potential challenger.
This is why these countries welcome the U.S. military buildup
in Asia to protect their safety.
China has actually also been showing various attitudes that it is
really increasing pressure on neighboring Asia-Pacific region."
Cheng Xiaonong said that while China expands its strength,
It makes regional security in the Asia-Pacific region uncertain.
The U.S. move is responding to this risk and taking the
international obligations that it has always assumed.
Russian media said that the growth of China's military power
is changing the regional balance.
But the real figure of China's military spending budget is
difficult for the outside world to know.
On March 8th, the Japanese Self-Defense Forces announced its
participation in the "shoulder to shoulder" joint military exercises
held by the United States and the Philippines in the
South China Sea next month.
Some analysts pointed out that the "shoulder to shoulder"
military exercise is part of
the U.S. deployment based on the Asia-Pacific as
the center for reducing the encirclement by China.
"NHK Analysis said:" It seems this purpose is to contain Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) which is strengthening arms and attempting to take over maritime rights and interests."
Professor Liu Kang, director of China Study Center at Duke
University, said: "The American military exercise with the
Philippines and other Southeast Asian countries is to revive its
military strategic alliance originally built during the Cold War;
The second purpose is to strengthen the relationship with
China's neighboring countries
during the game playing of the two big countries, China and America.
Its approach is fundamentally a hostile act to China."
Liu Kang believes that China's global expansion move
began in the last decade.
From World War II to the beginning of this century,
the U.S. has been dominant in Asia.
Now the United States wants to return to Asia and
establish its leadership in Asia. To establish military alliances is one of the means.
A recent report of the U.S. Congress said China's "Internet war"
will be a "real threat" to the U.S. military.
Its capacity is sufficient to pose a danger to the U.S. military
tasks. The report predicts that in future potential conflicts with the U.S. military,
the PLA is likely to attack U.S. military transport and logistics
network, and then launch an offensive, delaying or destroying U.S. military's combat capability.
However, although CCP is starting to show military threats the
difficulties it faces at home may be much worse than imagined.
The National People's Congress announced a new annual
financial report.
It shows the public safety expenditure budget for maintaining
the stability is up to 701.8 billion yuan, with an increase of 12.3 percent over the same period last year.
It even surpasses the defense budget, which is 670.2 billion
and with an increase of 11.5 percent this year.
This shows that the grim situation at home is even worse
than that in the international environment.

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