----一個個謠言 突然變成了中央文件----
Who is Behind the Chongqing Riot?
Since Tuesday, serious conflicts between police and protesters have occurred in Chongqing.Thousands of protesters blocked roads.Police fired tear gas to dispel the protesters.At least 50 were wounded, some were arrested.
Sources said police were instructed to remove the protesters by violence.Critics said, the timing is very sensitive, just when the CCP announced the punishment to Bo Xilai.This has brought the question as to who instigated the riot.
Epoch Times reported on the situation.
Chinese Specialist Shi Cangshang says Zhou Yongkang is now at crucial situation.
People are curious about who is behind the scenes? Why use armed police? Is it excessive use of police? Did anyone deliberately escalate the situation? Will riots happened in Beijing and other cities? How have Chinese media reacted to it?
On Aprill 11th, Bo』s scandal became headline news, in both mainland Chinese and HK media. The headline of Mingbo in HK was; “Wife charged with Murder, Bo Finished.”It also said Bo is the highest ranking official involved in murder charges. Apple Daily asserted Bo will go to prison. Western media continued their investigation of the murder.
Numerous “rumors” became official CCP documents. Internet users in China commented on Bo』s scandal. Some said Bo』s darker side has not been exposed yet. Some said it』s more wonderful than any TV soap.
Netizens commented regarding what the CCP said about “controlling rumors.”
“Beat the firewall and saw some rumors.
When read them out on April 10, suddenly they became CCP documents.”Some said “The scripts are made outside China, then acted on in Beijing after half a month.”
Regarding how rumors can carry truth, netizens also commented:Rumors are more sensational than truth, more true than truth, and guide the truth eventually.
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