《人民日報》11號發表評論員文章, 就薄熙來事件表態支持中央。《解放軍報》11號也全文刊登了這篇文章,值得注意的是,《北京日報》11號也發表呼應式的文章。
採訪/易如 編輯/尚燕 後製/ 孫寧
Chinese Mouthpiece Turning Against Bo Signals Political Turmoil Approaching
The CCP Central Committee announced the prosecution and
investigation against Bo Xilai on the 10th.
One after another, state official media expressed
their support for the CCP's decision.
This wave of stance declaration is a rare form of
creating public opinion.
However, none of these statements mentioned Zhou Yongkang,
the real boss of Bo Xilai.
Could Zhou Yongkang distance himself from this case,
or could he be facing greater political turmoil?
People's Daily published a commentator's article on the 11th,
and declared their support to the Central CCP's decision
to investigate Bo Xilai.
The full report of this article was also seen in the
Liberation Army Daily on the 11th.
Noteworthy is that on the 11th, Beijing Daily also published
an article that echoed People's Daily's article.
George Mason University Professor and commentator,
Zhang Tianliang, indicated that
Beijing Daily's tactic to use public opinion to state their
position was only seen after the June 4th Massacre and at the very beginning of Falun Gong's persecution.
Even when dealing with the corruption case of
Chen Xitong and Chen Liangyu, this tactic was not used.
This shows that Bo Xilai's case is definitely
not a criminal case.
Zhang Tianliang: "This case involved more than Bo Xilai.
It might involve a political line represented by Bo Xilai,
or a gang represented by Bo Xilai, that is a group of people
who owe debts to the Falun Gong due to bloody persecution.
Therefore, in order to ensure a superficially smooth transition
during the cleansing,
they used an interview format to have the public express
their position through the article. "
People's Daily stated, "Wang Lijun’s case is a serious political
incident that has adverse impact both at home and abroad,"
and, "Bo Xilai's behavior is a serious violation of
party discipline."
Xinhua News Agency reported on the 10th, "Comrade
Bo Xilai is involved in a serious disciplinary offense."
So far, Chinese Communist media only mentioned Bo Xilai
violated the party discipline.
It did not say whether there was violation of national laws.
Only Xinhua News Agency reported an alleged crime by stating,
"Bo Gu Kailai (Bo‘s wife) and Zhang Xiaojun are suspected
of an intentional homicide offense and have been transferred to judicial organization."
The commentator Wen Zhao pointed out that this next step
of Hu and Wen is in order to push the progress of the case with little time left.
Wen Zhao: "Now they use Gu Kailai’s criminal offense as a
lead to push the progress forward.
Hu and Wen initiated Bo Xilai‘s prosecution and left Wang
Lijun’s case hidden and untold just to ensure they can push the target towards the high level."
For these two days, no official media mentioned Zhou
Yongkang, but instead repeatedly promoted the central CCP decision.
After Bo Xilai‘s serious disciplinary violation case
was established,
Zhou Yongkang was the only Political Bureau Standing
Committee who stood up for Bo Xilai,
and conducted massive website censorship and
arrest during Hu’s visit abroad.
Will Zhou Yongkang be able to escape the upcoming political
storm by being absent from media reports for these two days?
Zhang Tianliang believes the fact that Bo Xilai was removed
from party posts and is now being investigated indicates Zhou Yongkang‘s loss of power.
Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai could also be penalized for their
"intention to seize power” by plotting to overthrow Xi Jinping.
Zhang Tianliang: "Those who were labeled with "intention
to seize power" in CCP history always faced consequences.
In regards to Bo Xilai's case,
the two factions have come to a showdown.
It will be a great danger to the faction which cannot burry
the other faction completely. "
Zhang Tianliang predicated that Zhou Yongkang
could be employing two strategies.
The first is to pretend to admit failure and allow
Hu and Wen to continue investigation in the name of safeguarding the CCP regime. The second is a coup.
Now, Hu and Wen should not be considering the survival
of the Communist Party,
but their own survival so that they won't burry
themselves together with the CCP.
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