【禁聞】薄熙來遭整肅 中國各大報高調報導














採訪編輯/李韻 後製/薛莉


Bo Xilai Dismissed, Many Newspapers Publish Front Page Reports

Bo Xilai has been dismissed, and his wife arrested

on suspicion of murder.

After Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) mouthpiece,

Xinhua News Agency, broke the story, the Internet is abuzz.

On April 11th, many newspapers ran extensive

front page reports.

Netizens wonder how the rumour became front page


Analysts said, in an autocratic society without

transparency, the truth can be a rumour, and

the rumour can return to the truth when reality needs.

On April 10th, Bo Xilai's political career

was pronounced over.

On April 11th, all newspapers of CCP reported,

in distinguished writing,

that the CCP launched a investigation against Bo Xilai

for disciplinary violations.

China's newspaper XKB, ND Daily, and Jinghua

reported with a full-page story.

Zhe Zhong New Newspaper included a large photo

on the front page with the caption, “The stage collapsed in the storm.”

In the middle of Yun Nan Information Newspaper's

layout was written, “Bo Xilai' s wife is booked on suspicion of homicide.”

However, journalists searched “Bo Xilai,” ”Gu Kailai,”

“Bo Guagua,” “Tomato (nickname given to Bo Xilai

by netizens),” “Gua Gua,” “ Chong Qing Hot Pot,”

and “BXL” on many Weibo searches.

All search results are concealed in line with

related laws and regulations.

Some netizens made a collage of all front-page news

articles, and used markings to indicate the sound

of an opening sluice gate with drainage going down.

Now, the CCP is arresting these so-called

“rumor mongers.”

Suddenly netizens found that many newspapers

made high profile reports on the Bo Xilai event.

Netizens are surprised that the rumor became

headline page news.

Lawyer Jiang Tianyong in Beijing said,

“It is not strange.

In an autocratic society without a transparent system,

CCP calls the truth a rumour, and a rumour can return to the truth when reality needs.

Jiang Tianyong: “The rumour that spread on the internet

became the truth because facts proved the truth. The situation is now lamentable.

The inside fighting in the imperial despotism system

should not be a part of an adequate legal system.

All should be public and transparent, otherwise people

don't believe that justice exists.”

Some netizens think this is the similar to the collapse

of the “Gang of Four.”

Some netizens commented, “Everybody hits a man

who is down.”

Sun Wenguang, former Professor of Shan Dong

University, “Almost all newspapers report with a full-page.

The Bo Xilai faction has obviously been hit.

I think CCP arranged to use this momentum

to overwhelm Bo Xilai and his party.

Sun Wenguang also expressed that there's more

unfolding in the Bo Xilai saga than ever.

It is the responsibility of the politics and law committee

to pursue the judicial system.

He thinks that it is necessary to discard the politics

and law committee.

Sun Wenguang: “How much illegal activity does

the politics and law committee participate in?

The politics and law committee is supposed to carry out

laws first and foremost and act according to the law.

However, it created many false cases in which humans

were wrongly accused or sentenced. Who charges it?

Why Bo Xilai dare to violate laws and commit tyranny?

It is due to a vulnerable system without a strong legal system.”

Sun Wenguang pointed out that the Chinese

are disgusted by CCP's unlawful infringement,

corruption and gang activity, so CCP's disposal

of Bo Xilai is a common aspiration of the people.