Transition in Egypt Brings Together Chinese Activists
Political changes in Egypt encourage
overseas Chinese democratic activists.
They gathered in Netherlands recently to discuss
China』s democratic future.
How does the transition in Egypt affect
other countries with dictatorship?
Here are our interviews with some of the activists.
NTD reporter interviewed Dilxat Raxit
of the World Uyghur Congress.
Dilxat said democracy is a universal principle,
and people under dictatorship all hope to
have freedom, human rights and democracy.
Dilxat Raxit: Since the Communist Party』s rule,
Uyghurs have not stopped efforts for freedom
through peaceful protests.
Hope one day we will have rule of law, democracy,
and freedom on our own land.
We will make continuing efforts for our rights.
Dawa Tsering, chairman of the Tibet Religious
Foundation of the Dalai Lama, said to NTD,
the CCP cannot understand the importance of faith.
They know nothing about the sacredness of beliefs.
In the past decades, the CCP destroyed
traditional culture and broke the moral baseline.
They』ve extended the atrocity to Tibetans and Uyghurs,
destroying their beliefs,
more so in the name of progress.
Dawa Tsering: People in the Middle East have beliefs.
They stand up for beliefs, not for profits.
They offer their service and devotion.
These are things the CCP looks down upon.
The CCP cannot understand sacredness of beliefs.
A member of the Tibetan Parliament in exile,
Kelsang Gyaltsen, said,
the CCP censors news about Egypt and Tunisia.
The CCP is actually more corrupt, and it suppresses
people more severely than Egypt and Tunisia.
It utilizes false propaganda to instigate people.
form an alliance of the rights activists:
After 1989, many rights activists left China.
Yet overseas activists did not form a united force,
but fought with one another for turfs.
The CCP easily divided them and reduced the power
of overseas democratic movement.
Uyghur dissident Ai Jiang said to RFA:
The success in Egypt showed Chinese people
the democratic process.
It is also an example of how the CCP will collapse.
The Egyptians』 success hopefully will encourage
more Chinese to stand up against the CCP
and start building a democratic society.
NTD Reporters Liang Xin and Song Feng.

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