【禁聞】黃琦病情加重 出獄後維權信念未變







《天網》的義工蒲飛也表示,黃琦入獄的三年時間裏,有大約二、三十名義工被迫害,有被判刑的,還有被拘留,勞教的。不過黃琦接受《自由亞洲廣播電臺》採訪時說, 他們還是不會放棄為弱勢群體維權。



黃琦99年成立《天網》網站,為「六四死難者」以及弱勢群體維權。 2000年6月3號,中共當局以「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」,判處他五年監禁。2008年6月,他因為揭發四川地震豆腐渣工程再次被捕,判刑 3年。黃琦曾經獲得國際人權組織授予的多個獎項,包括「第二屆網際網路自由獎」、「第六屆中國人權青年獎」等。


Activist Released, Determination Unchanged

Sichuan』s Tianwang Human Rights Center』 founder,

Huang Qi was released from prison.

Due to lack of medical treatment in the past 3 years,

Huang was suffering from illnesses in prison.

However, his determination to work for the rights

of vulnerable groups has never changed.

He plans to resume his work at Tianwang』s ASAP.

Renowned rights activist Huang Qi returned home

on June 10, at the end of his 3-year prison term.

As per Deutsche Welle (DW), before his release,

the prison confiscated all his personal belongings,

including 5 notebooks, legal documents and clothes.

Huang told DW that he documented ideas and

reflections of rights protection in his notebooks.

He asked the prison guards, "Aren』t you afraid that

these items will go to peoples』 antifascist museum?”

For investigating collapsed in Sichuan』s earthquake

jerry-built buildings, he was jailed in June 2008,

for "illegal possession of state secrets."

Huang said his current health condition is poor,

as he couldn』t receive medical treatment in prison.

Back in 2000 he was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

For 3 years he had to sleep on a cold cement floor.

As a result he developed a rheumatic heart disease.

Abused by the guards, he had severe head injuries,

which led to hydrocephalus and brain atrophy.

Recently his treatment was interrupted,

authorities denied him medicine sent by his family.

As a result, Huang』s many illnesses aggravated.

Huang Qi said for Radio Free Asia (RFA):

“(My health) is now worse than before.

The hydrocephalus, brain atrophy and heart disease

from the jail term are all aggravating.”

Tianwang』s volunteer Pu Fei said, in these 3 years,

20 or 30 volunteers were sentenced or detained.

Huang told RFA that they will not stop

protecting vulnerable groups』 rights.

Huang: “From speaking with my staff,

I feel that everyone』s confidence has not changed.

I believe we will soon be back to work.

Our purpose is still to be with vulnerable groups.

We will never shun our responsibility to them.”

Hu Jun, head of China's Rights Movement, spoke

to DW about the recent violence across China.

He said, if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)

continues its brutal repression of activists,

it could only incite more grassroots resistance.

Hu said, as Huang would “not shun responsibility

to the vulnerable," "activists will not give up faith,

despite their imprisonments.”

In 1999, Huang founded 64tianwang.com

for Tiananmen victims and vulnerable groups.

On June 3, 2000, he was sentenced to 5 years jail

by CCP for "inciting subversion of state power.".

In June 2008, he was sentenced to 3 years prison,

for investigating collapsed buildings in the quake.

He received many human rights awards, including

Reporters Without Borders』 『Cyber-Freedom Prize』

and 』China Youth Human Rights Award』

NTD reporters Lin Huixin and Ge Lei