Can CCP's Financing Ease Railways Ministry's Dilemma?
The Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Ministry of Railways
authorities was heavily in debt, causing over 90% of China's construction projects to stop. Recently, CCP authorities declared that the Railways Ministry would get financing over RMB 200 billion. However, media leaked the news that 36 listed companies are claiming debts of RMB 240 billion from CCP Railways Ministry.
In the debt list exposed by media on November 3,
36 companies have business relations with the
high-speed railways. The top four companies in the list are
China Railway Group Ltd.,
China Railway Construction Corporation, China South Locomotive & Rolling Stock Corp. Ltd. (CSR) China CNR Corporation Limited. Yu Tengqun, board secretary of China Railway Group,
said that the company has not yet received repayments from Railways Ministry,
so many construction projects have had to stop.
On November 1, CCP official media Xinhua News Agency
reported that
the Railways Ministry will soon receive financing of
over RMB 200 billion.
The fund assures repayments and promotes
key constructions projects.
On November 2, China CSR and CNR obtained first
repayment of RMB10.5 billion from the Railways Ministry.
Mr. Li, a railway expert, analyzed that China CSR and CNR are core domestic partners,
involved in the manufacturing of China's high-speed trains,
as well as supplying parts. Parts suppliers had paid huge commissions to get orders,
implicating CCP officials at all levels, even at the highest level.
Thus, they have strongly demanded the Ministry to pay off.
Mr. Li (Railway expert): "The Railways Ministry has
no money, so what it will do? It can only go into debt.
The Railways Ministry has no credibility. It did not work to go
listed, nor to issue bonds, so it faces a tough dilemma. So CCP's State Council and Central authorities showed up,
backed by the Ministry of Finance's. They circulated and allocated money from civilians,
regardless of bonds or stocks, and then allocated , which eventually fell into the hands of interests groups.”
The financing will be used to pay off debts. Before Nov. 20, the Ministry of Railways will finish its project debt repayments to solve unpaid-wage problems existing on
most building sites.
Meanwhile, the repayment will help ease the dilemma that 90% of projects are halted or postponed.
Mr. Li (Railway expert): "In fact, the money is far from enough.
The progression of construction work for key projects
cannot be resolve debts. That is to say, funding is still very tight
at the moment. Project halting will cause massive numbers of unpaid wages for workers, which will impact social stability. The CCP authorities might give some money to the unpaid workers, fearing the instability. But filtering through layers of subcontractors in projects,
it's hard to say how much workers will get in the end.
It's very likely that the majority will be taken by officials at all levels, with the remaining small portion left to workers.”
Cb.com.cn reported that professor Zhao Jian at
Beijing Jiaotong University, said the market should not be happy with the news about financing. Zhao believed that so far, the Ministry of Railways did
nothing but shift or hide risks. If its financial situation is not resolved in the future,
this financing will further worsen its debt problem.
Railway expert Mr. Li, commented that any CCP policy places top priority on how to help a handful of persons in power get rich,
ignoring the interests of the majority of people.
Certainly, there is no fairness and justice.
Mr. Li (Railway expert): “The pain of
the Wenzhou train crash was forgotten.
CCP interest groups at all levels were eager to launch
various high-speed railway projects, so as to continue to further their personal interests. The CCP authorities could not invest directly, so they
collected money from civilians through issuing bonds or stocks, to meet the demands for benefits. ”
According to the Railway Ministry's financial report data released on August 1st, its total liabilities reached RMB 2.0907 trillion, with liability ratio of 58.53%.
Following a former Minister's dismissal and
senior staff replacements, as well as the Wenzhou train crash,
the Ministry of Railways has been unprecedentedly
brought into question.
This contributed to the negative attitude adopted by the
capital market towards the railways investment. Railways Ministry's financing costs kept rising. Will the financing of 200-billion help it going on? It is still unknown.
NTD reporters Li Yun, Li Jing and Sun Ning

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