「中國天網人權事務中心」發言人蒲 飛:「實名制它並不能保證冒名的事情出現,除非你一對一的去審核,這是不可能的事情,它只是要求你提供一個身份證號碼和真名,有些人肯定會利用這個規則上的漏洞,甚至一些專門機關也會將一些異議人士的真實身份和姓名拿去註冊,最後達到一個構陷的目地。」
Netizens Stop Updating Their Micro-blogs to resist the Real-Name Policy
Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) implemented the
internet real-name policy at the end of the last year,
the CCP continuously avoids responding to the series questions
that have been posed by netizens and experts.
Recently, an official from the CCP State Council Press Office
defended the policy, causing netizens further dissatisfaction.
Many netizens cancelled their micro-blog accounts on the
websites which follow the CCP』s policy.
International media commented that the real-name policy is
CCP』s new tactic to control freedom of speech.
Wang Chen, the director of CCP』s press office, said in a press
conference on January 18th that
the number of China』s micro-blog users is dramatically increasing.
Especially after the high speed railway accident last July,
micro-blogs have demonstrated the power of public opinion.
He stressed that the authority will continue to push
implementation of the real-name policy.
Wang Chen said that the reason for launching the real-name
policy is due to “the increasing negative public opinion.”
Strengthening management of internet information is
the “aspiration and requirement of the majority of people.”
Netizen Meng Fei, asked the authority to present evidence
proving Chinese netizens want the real-name policy.
"Voice of America" reported, many Chinese netizens and
international media believe that the CCP is afraid that the
internet will serve as a free information channel
to Chinese and will encourage freedom and self expression.
Chinese netizens and experts questioned how the real-name
policy will prevent a citizen to register with another』s ID and whether the users』 personal information is protected properly,
The CCP authority hasn』t responded, and in the conference
Wang Chen only said they will “take measures,”, but didn』t give a detailed solution.
Pu Fei, spokesman of 64tianwang.com Human Rights Center:
“The real-name registration can』t prevent an impostor
unless they can check it one by one, which is impossible.
It asks you to provide a real name with your ID number,
which gives a chance for someone to play a game.
Even if there are some special agencies to register with
activists』 names and IDs to frame them.”
Yu Jianrong, well-known Chinese scholar, stated on January
13th, “Due to Sina』s poor attitude toward netizens,
I decided to stop updating my Sina micro-blog since
9am January 13th, 2012.”
Zhang Ming, a famous scholar, sent out a notice the same day,
”Many Sina netizens, via private message, asked me where I went after I left.
Hereby, I announce that I have formally transferred to
Sohu micro-blog.”
Zhao Lianhai, the Father of China's kidney stone baby,
said many of his friends have stopped using the micro-blog.
Zhao, ”From my point view, the promotion of the real-name
policy is not good for social progress.
It only benefits one side, the government.
In fact, it』s adverse to users and the whole society.
In the past, the government found many netizens』 information
online, then made inquiries and, even sentenced them to prison due to their words.
So, citizens should resist the real-name policy, and
stop this policy from being implemented further.”
Zhao Lianhai said he can』t tolerate the fact that Sina net
went along with the authority』s rule.
He also said Sina shields the related information about China's
kidney stone baby.
Zhao Lianhai: "Actually, Sina continually shields the phrase
『kidney stone baby』 in a very strict manner,
so many people aren』t able to search for the related information.
I plan to raise a lawsuit after the Chinese New Year.
Of course, I know that the court will not file the case, nor
give a fair treatment after the case is filed.
But we have to try our best to express our discontent.”
Zhao Lianhai hopes that more people stand up
to resist the illegal and inappropriate measures.
NTD Reporters : Tang Rui and Xiao Yu

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