3月7號在倫敦記者招待會上,「國際戰略研究所」所長約翰∙奇普曼 (John Chipman) 表示:自從2008年危機以來,歐洲和亞洲軍費開支的水準差距縮小,但按照目前的趨勢發展,亞洲軍費支出有可能在2012年首次超過歐洲。
「2049項目研究所」高級研究員羅傑 克里夫(Roger Cliff) :「中國現在正在迅速的使亞太地區的其他國家黯然失色,除了美國。他們開始獲得能力來挑戰美國在(亞太) 地區的支配力。 因此那個地區正在經歷一個大的轉變,從一個有若干強國的地區變成一個只有中國和美國佔主導的地區。 2:42-3:06」
日本《產經新聞》3月6號報導指出,面對中共軍力崛起及東南亞各國國防費用近年來明顯增長的態勢,日本政府10年來卻不斷減少防衛開支,實屬「不正常」。面對「來自中國的威脅」 ,日本應該提高自身的防衛能力。
「斯德哥爾摩國際和平研究所」曾指出, 2010年全球國防開支已經達到了16300億美元,如果這筆錢能夠用來處理飢餓、疾病、污染或者貧窮,世界或許會變得大不一樣。
採訪/郝毅博 編輯/宋風 後製/肖顏
Asia's Military Spending To Exceed Europe's
British International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)
published an annual military strength report on March 7.
The report said, due to the financial crisis,
many European countries tightened their fiscal policies.
Now, military spending in Asia will exceed Europe's
for the first time in 2012.
“2012 Military Balance” reported that mainland China
has the largest military budget in Asia.
Asian countries increased their military spending
due to the threat of the Chinese regime.
Director of IISS, John Chipman, spoke during
the press conference held on March 7 in London.
Chipman expressed that since the crisis in 2008,
military spending of Asia and Europe started to narrow down.
Under the present trend, military spending of Asia
might exceed that of Europe for the first time in 2012.
The report pointed out that China not only has the highest
military budget, but doubles this budget every five years.
Other Asian countries also started to boost military budgets,
increasing the danger of conflict.
Roger Cliff, a Senior Researcher at the 2049 Project
Research Institute, commented on the issue.
Roger Cliff: “China is now in a process of rapidly eclipsing
all the other countries in the region except for the US.
And are starting to acquire the capability to really
challenge US military dominance in the region.
So it』s been a major shift from a situation in which there were
a number of regional powers to one of which there really are just two – China and the United states.”
Cliff believes that the Chinese regime is mainly developing
navy, air force and ballistic missile forces.
They want to win over not only the Taiwanese military,
but also over all other forces that might side with Taiwan.
This would result in changing
the existing balance in the region.
On March 4, China's spokesperson Li Zhaoxing publisized
Chinese Communist Party' (CCP) defence budget for 2012.
Li claimed it will be RMB 670.3 billion (~US$ 106 billion).
The actual military spending might be much greater.
Many spendings are outside the officially announced
number, hidden in other fiscal items.
The IHS Jane's Defence Advisory Body predicts,
that China's military spending will rapidly increase.
At an annual rate of 18.9%, spending will grow
from US$ 119.8 billion to US$ 238.2 billion in 2015.
This will exceed the combined total spending
of all other Asian countries.
On the other hand, CCP defence polices are not transparent,
often displaying military strength near the Nansha Islands.
CCP is also building navies based in place like Gwadar
in Pakistan, making the entire region very worried.
Japanese media Sankei Shimbun reported
on the topic on March 6.
They claimed that faced with China's military build up,
defence budgets in Southeast Asia increased recently.
The Japanese government is reducing defence spending
for the past 10 years, which is very “abnormal.”
Faced with the CCP's threat,
Japan needs to increase its defence capabilities.
Roger Cliff believes, Japan is the main force in Asia. It must
increase military spending if it wants to keep up with CCP.
Taiwan is directly threatened by mainland China,
which forces them to increase their defence budget too.
Roger Cliff: “I do believe they ought to be accounting
for the improvement.
You know not just how much China's spending,
but translating into in terms of real increases and capabilities.
And in some cases they may require increased defense
spending in order to be able to keep up with the Chinese.”
John Chipman: “The Chinese military technology
is not as advanced as other external sources pointed out.
Like China still don't have the technology for aircraft carrier
take-off, no aircraft carriers, but the US has 11.”
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute points out,
the world's combined defence spending is US$ 1.63 trillion.
If this money could be used to treat hunger, diseases,
and poverty, the world might be a very different place.
NTD reporter Hao Yibo, Editor Song Feng, Producer Xiao Yan

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