採訪編輯/唐睿 後製/周天
With Bo Xilai under investigation,what will happen to Jiang Zemin and Zhou YongKang?
Bo Xilai's case has grabbed international attention.
Mainland netizens expressed that
Bo Xilai's evil doing days are over.
However, many analysts expressed that if the CCP deals
with Bo Xilai's case as a simple criminal case, it will be difficult to satisfy the public.
On April 10, CCP mouthpiece, Xinhua, reported that
Bo Xilai will be suspended from his position
as member of Chinese Communist Party Central Committee (CCPCC)
and member of the Politburo of the Central Committee.
He will be investigated by the Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection.
The report said, in the death of British citizen Neil Heywood,
a police investigation found that Neil was murdered.
Bo Xilai, Gu Kailai and Bo's servant Zhang Xiaojun
are the primary suspects.
Gu Kailai and Zhang Xiajun were handed over to police
on charges of suspected murder.
Social commentator Lan Shu expressed that it's not enough
for the CCP to deal with the Bo Xilai case as just a criminal case.
Bo Xilai caused countless humanitarian disasters
while persecuting Falun Gong in Chongqing.
He also caused many legal disasters by falsely accusing
private businessmen in order to acquire their wealth.
Lan Shu,"So many humanitarian disasters,
so many legal disasters.
You avoid all of them and only talk about
his integrity issues, that is reducing his crimes.
They used the lightest punishment to deal with his case.
Their goal is to protect CCP rule in China, or at least to hide
these humanitarian disasters from international attention."
Social commentator Wen Zhao believes that to protect
the image of "a country ruled by law,"
the CCP was forced to find related legal provisions
to deal with Bo Xilai.
Social Commentator Wen Zhao, "The CCP is trying
to show an image of a country ruled by law.
If it wants to deal with someone, it can't say this person
committed treason against the party,
so it's "not following orders" or "causing separation
within the party." It must give him a criminal charge.
Usually the person is given some criminal charge.
It finds a suitable crime within the existing legal provisions."
When Wang Lijun fled to the U.S Consulate
in Chengdu seeking political asylum,
South China Morning Post wrote an article on March 7
stating that Hu Jintao expressed, in an internal meeting,
that Wang Lijun will be charged with corruption and treason.
However, this time, the CCP published the crimes of
Bo Xilai』s wife Gu Kailai first.
Wen Zhao believes, it will be very odd if the Central
Commission for Discipline Inspection investigates Bo Xilai without mentioning Wang Lijun.
Wen Zhao, "It started with Wang Lijun, then to Bo Xilai,
then to Bo Xilai's supporter Zhou Yongkang.
You can find solid evidences of their crimes, from bloody
persecution of Falun Gong to violating the law
under fake claims of fighting crime,
their hands are full of innocent blood.
If this information is revealed, Hu and Wen might be
worried that the entire system will be under attack."
After the Wang Lijun incident, it's been rumored that
Wang Lijun gave some materials to the US;
namely evidence of Bo Xilai's live organ harvesting from
Falun Gong practitioners, and evidence of Bo and Zhou Yongkang's plan to take out Xi Jinping.
Lan Shu, "I think Hu, Wen and any other smart person
will understand.
In human history, a brutal persecution, arguably
the worst humanitarian disaster in China, you want the live human organs to sell for profit.
Doing this as a ruling party,
this is arguably the worst crime in human history."
Lan Shu expressed that Hu and Wen will not want
to take responsibility for such evil.
The best way to clear themselves of the charges
is to expose those with blood on their hands to the world and let the international community make the judgment.


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