【禁聞】優秀講師揭迫害 八天八夜生死劫



外表清秀文氣的王暉聯, 1997年,在博士研究生考試的前十天,得了血液急性“風濕熱,她為此失去了考博士的機會,卻也因禍得福開始修煉法輪功,不久她就神奇的康復了。健康的身體和道德的升華,使她成為一位深受學生喜愛的高校老師,為社會培養教育人才。





在自由的國度再次審視這場迫害,王暉聯表示那些施暴的警察也是中共洗腦的受害者: “因為這場迫害我們走到對立面。那麼不是我們之間個人有甚麼事情,包括警察,就是因為這場迫害政策造成的。”“我最後得出一個結論,中共這個謊言、這場迫害把中國人毀了,我的單位領導直接跟我這樣說,如果今天我不對你進行處理的話,那麼我可能要接受處理。”




Living Hell for 8 Days and Nights

Falun Gong practitioners in Seoul whose refugee applications

were rejected by S. Korean government are facing the danger

of being forcibly repatriated to China by Korean Bureau of

Immigration, which was criticized by human rights groups.

A Falun Gong practitioner who escaped to the United States

talks about her eight days of hell, experienced in China.

This once again confirms Falun Gong practitioners』

brutal persecution by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).

Wang Huilian (Falun Gong practitioner, New York):

“I was four times in detention. Each time is quite memorable.

The painful experience makes me unwilling to recall it!

During all my detentions, one was the most painful for me."

Ten days before the entrance exam for her PhD in 1997,

Wang Huilian had developed acute rheumatic fever.

She thus missed the opportunity to sit the PhD entrance exam,

but this seemed to be more of a blessing in disguise,

as she began practicing Falun Gong,

and soon recovered miraculously.

A healthy body and high morality made her a university

teacher, devoting herself to train personnel for society.

Her peaceful life ended when CCP』s regime started

the crack down on Falun Gong (Falun Dafa) in 1999.

She refused to give up Falun Gong and was illegally detained

in No.1 Detention Center in Ganzhou, Jiangxi, in 2001.

Though trapped in jail, she exposed her sufferings and CCP』s

evil deeds to the world through the Minghui website.

Jiangxi Provincial Public Security Bureau thus set a task force

and tortured her to find out how she passed the messages out.

From then on she began her living hell experience

for eight days and nights.

Wang Huilian: “At the beginning they hang me on a beam

above the door and then handcuffed my hands at the back.

They tied a rope to the handcuffs and pushed it over the door

beam. They』d pull the rope and my feet would be in the air.

This was so painful that it made my tears and sweat start

immediately dripping on the ground below.

When I seemed to have lost feeling of my body,

they suddenly released the rope.

I couldn』t feel a thing and even didn』t know where my hands

are, as if all of a sudden I would fall to the ground.

At this moment, they made me sit on a chair and tortured me

another way. For example, they pulled one of my hands

over the shoulder and pulled up the other hand from the waist

and handcuffed the two hands at the back.

Someone kept pulling up the handcuffs. Well, I can』t feel the

same pain right now, but the painful memory always remains.”

In addition to using various physical tortures, the police also

attempted to use psychological means against Wang.

She said, sleep deprivation for eight days and nights pushed

her body to the limit and she was a step away from death.

The only power to support her was the thought of Falun Dafa.

Wang Huilian, “One night during those eight days when they

found out I lost consciousness, they threw me to a haystack.

I could feel I was on the haystack with my head upside down.

I started to regain consciousness.

Then they carried me back inside the cell

and repeated the same torture process.

That torture continued incessantly for several days and nights.

In the end I felt there was a competition between us.

That competition was not between me and the police,

but between goodness and evil.”

Wang said, the belief in “Truth-Compassion-Forbearance”

helped her survive from the eight days and nights』 torture.

After exhausting all their means of torture, the police

had to stop torturing Wang, as they achieved nothing with it.

However, Wang lost her rights to study and work in China

in this persecution and had no choice but to escape overseas.

Now in a free country, Wang reflects on the persecution,

and thinks that those brutal policemen were actually also victims of CCP』s brainwashing.

Wang said, “We come against each other, not because of a

personal resentment, but because of the CCP』s persecution policy.

I came to the conclusion that the Chinese people have been ruined

by the CCP』s lies and persecution.

My boss told me directly, if he did nothing about my belief,

CCP would punish him.”

While thinking of many Falun Gong practitioners

in mainland China experiencing the same persecution as her,

Wang said that, she had to seize the day to expose

the persecution and clarify the truth to the Chinese people.

It is a duty that she can』t shirk. Wang: “I』ll let the Chinese

people know what happened to the Falun Gong practitioners

over the past 12 years. What harm this brings to them,

how can they help themselves by reducing this harm, etc.

The answer to all of these is to withdraw from the CCP,

from its Communist Youth League and its Young Pioneers.

It is the only way to have some hope for their future.”

Wang Huilian is fortunate. There are more than 3,400 cases

of Falun Gong practitioners persecuted to death since 1999.

In addition, the CCP has been extending its tentacles

to many countries overseas,

and it is now putting pressure on the S. Korean government

to repatriate Falun Gong practitioners back to China.

The international community requests South Korea to abide

by the human rights conventions, by the morality and justice.

NTD reporters Zhang Zichun and Zheng Hao