Aiming to Be the King of Asian Noodles, Chun-Shan Wu Has Built a Glass House for his Noodle Technology Factory
【新唐人亞太台 2023 年 04 月 20 日訊】Taiwanese people love noodles, driving the lo mein noodle market to an annual output of over 10 billion dollars. Chun-Shan Wu, the chairman of Taiwan's leading manufacturing industry, has diverse interests and is also a noodle gourmand, saying that both the construction and food industries are businesses of conscience. Therefore, he built a glass house for his noodle technology factory in Chiayi, where daylight is abundant, and pioneered the adoption of cleanroom production to lead the noodle making industry in Taiwan, aspiring to become the Asian noodle king.
New Tang Dynasty's reporter Jin-Jin Li said that “introducing technology and considering the traditional sunlight exposure, I’m in Chiayi's first glass house noodle factory in Taiwan, covering an area of about 16,530 square meters, and open to the public for the first time. Let me show you around.”
新唐人記者 李晶晶:「導入科技兼顧傳統日曬,記者就在嘉義全台首座玻璃屋製麵廠房內,占地約五千坪,首次完整對外公開,帶您直擊。」
Unlike traditional noodle factories, the entire factory is clean and bright. The design of the glass house allows the noodles to enjoy sunlight 24 hours a day.
Noodle factory general manager Kuo-cheng Peng said that “the glass house is made from explosion-proof glass. When the air comes in, there is a whole air filter to block the first pass and a filter for excluding some dust, so the air here is cleaner.”
製麵廠總經理 彭國政:「玻璃的部分是走防爆的一個玻璃。空氣進來的時候,第一道有一個整面的空氣濾網阻絕,一些粉塵的一個過濾,讓我這裡面的空氣更乾淨。」
The whole factory produces noodles in a cleanroom. Raw materials include only flour and water. The water alone is treated with soft water, RO reverse osmosis, etc. In addition, the industry-leading eight-step pressing process makes the noodles firm and chewy. Thirteen types of noodles have been developed, including the patented heart-shaped noodles.
Noodle factory general manager Kuo-cheng Peng said “we will continue to deliver noodles to the four drying rooms, each costing over $3 million, to dry continuously for 12 to 14 hours, so the moisture in the noodles can be reduced to less than 10%. In order to get orders from Europe and the United States, I have also done the Halal certification, and the FSSC certification.”
製麵廠總經理 彭國政:「我們還會繼續再送到烘乾室,有四間烘乾室每間造價三百萬以上,去做十二到十四個小時的持續的烘乾,讓我們的水分降到10%以下。為了要爭取歐美的訂單,清真認證我也做了,FSSC我也做了認證。」
The chairman of Lee Ming Construction, Chun-Shan Wu said “we absolutely use this ancient technique, and then make the healthiest food. We will always insist on it and this is our conscience.”
麗明營造董事長 吳春山:我們絕對用這種古法,然後做出來是最健康的東西,我們會始終堅持下去,這就是良心。」
The advanced Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing is used to make noodles, and be introduced infrared moisture analyzers to monitor the quality at any time. As the pioneer of noodle manufacturing and one of the top three noodle manufacturers in Taiwan, we the company keeps receiving orders from the United States, Hong Kong, etc. In response to the market demand, the second phase of the whole industrial park will be built with automatic production lines, and the third phase will be planned with a cooked frozen food vending building.
Noodle factory general manager Kuo-cheng Peng said “one of our ideas is that we use clean, very safe, and natural ingredients to make our daily food, regardless of whether it is noodles, sauces, or frozen food.”
製麵廠總經理 彭國政: 「乾淨很安全很天然的一個食材,去做我們日常的一個食品,從麵開始到醬料,到冷凍食品的部分,這是我們的一個構思。」
The chairman of Lee Ming Construction, Chun-Shan Wu said “we hope to become the king of Asian noodles from now on, and then we will be based in Taiwan with an eye on the world. By our modern equipment and ancient technique to produce the noodles, they are absolutely first-class noodles.”
麗明營造董事長 吳春山:「我們期許現在開始就是先希望成為亞洲麵王,到之後我們就是立足台灣放眼世界。現代化的設備,用遵古法來製造出來,所以它絕對、絕對是一流的麵體。」
With this unique insight, discerning taste buds, and the support of good friends, the chairman upholds the concept of sustainable management in construction to develop a new national cuisine for Taiwan. By promoting these products to the globe, the noodles may become an alternative glory for Taiwan.
攝影後製:曾奕豪 葉錫鴻
Interview copywriter: Jin-Jin Li
Post-production: Yeh Hsi-Hung, Tseng Yi-Hao
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