





章天亮:「中共的那些高官們從來沒有甚麼'為人民服務 '。過去我們在宣傳中看到,比如毛澤東是如何的艱苦樸素,甚麼一件衣服舊了之後穿多少年呀,但是我們知道,毛澤東在當時中國大饑荒、餓死很多人的時候,當時動用了好幾千萬元人民幣,給自己在湖南那個地方修行宮,中南海還經常開舞會。」

前中國國家籃球隊隊員陳凱認為,「人民」這個詞彙本身 就中共用來壓制與欺騙老百姓的﹔因為中共永遠會藉口說,它是為了十億人的利益,從而否定某一個人或某一群體的合法權益。








CCP』s “Good Tradition”?

Chinese Communist Party』s (CCP) 90th anniversary

recently launched a survey through official media

People's Forum "Is CCP』s good tradition lost?"

Most people worry about the loss of good tradition

whereas 20% believe the CCP never had any.

Prior to July 1, People's Forum launched this survey

of 12 questions, asking respondents』 opinion

on the CCP regime』s “good tradition.”

People's Forum weekly published the survey report.

The report shows that most believe CCP』s

“good tradition” is “empty with no real meaning.”

“CCP is too preachy and uses reverse psychology.”

The report shows that people don』t recognize CCP』s

"serve the people" and "close ties with the masses."

George Mason University Prof., Dr. Zhang Tianliang

said that CCP is deceiving people with its slogans.

Zhang: “CCP officials never “served the people.”

We had seen in CCP』s propaganda that Mao』s life

was very simple, yet he built his holiday residence

in Hunan Province with tens of millions of yuan,

often hosting parties during China』s Great Famine.”

Former Chinese national basketball player Chen Kai,

thinks CCP insults Chinese with the term “people.”

Its an excuse to deny the legal rights of a person

or group for the benefits of billions of people.

Chen: “CCP』s language system, including “people,”

serves the autocratic regime. When a person

is called “people” it uses the interest of the whole

to destroy the individual』s dignity, freedom,

and pursuit of happiness. It is the most evil

and baffling characteristic of a totalitarian regime.”

As most offensive deed is regarded to “deviate

from CCP』s fine tradition, which actually is

"corruption, power abuse," "wasting public funds,”

and ”autocratic and rude."

Zhang thinks senior officials are very corrupt,

but now the corruption spreads to the entire society.

When the survey asked what “good traditions”

CCP has, the report showed that 20% felt

there was none, and 10% said “very clear.”

Zhang: “I think that it』s polite to say Chinese people

are disappointed now and detest the CCP.

If it isn』t just politeness, why not let people speak freely?”

Netizen: “Even if the survey figures are true,

where is the credibility? Give people relaxing

environment with freedom of speech and survey then;

you will see how many will say a good word.”

NTD reporters Chang Chun, Li Qian and Xiao Yu