Red Tape Above Laws?
Recently, a red tape issued by the worker union』s
committee of Heilongjiang Province』s direct authorities
has exposed the growing issues
of the “red tape” practices in China.
"Notice on launching 『Donation Day』 charity event
by the provincial authorities in 2011" is a red tape,
issued by the worker union』s committee
of Heilongjiang Province』s authorities.
It states, “Based on voluntary principles, the party members,
cadres and workers are expected to donate actively.
In general, consider the reference standard below:
RMB400 for provincial cadres,
RMB300 for department-level cadres,
RMB200 for a division-level cadres, and RMB100 for under division-level cadres and workers.”
The “Charity” Donation Day organized by the government
has become a forced donation in "assessed" form. Many governmental workers say that they are helpless.
Netizen Feng zhi Huaerzi wrote: “I am from
Heilongjiang province. These things are very common.
And they existed for decades. It』s not voluntary donation.
They take it directly from your wage. We are forced.”
The red tape says that 75% of the donation will go
to donating departments, 20% to the Provincial Charity,
for coordinating the process, and 5% will go
to the provincial Foundation for mobility use.
The donating civil servants ask, why 75% of the donation
returns to the donating departments?
What is the donation going to be used for?
How can this be supervised?
Netizen Hebi Renzheng wrote, if all the donation is totally
used for the people who need help, I think we will accept it.
The key is that it is unclear where is the donation going.
The lack of policy will also lead to collapse of the charity.
There is an endless line of strange red tapes by various
authorities of the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
For example, in order to attract investment,
the city of Qingyang, Henan issued 5 red tapes in 3 years.
Some state that the foreign merchants with investment
of RMB50 million will not be fined for illegal driving,
will not be investigated in entertainment places,
will not be audited for their children』s study and so on, listing 12 such favorable treatments.
The red tapes were originally governmental documents,
inferior to laws, regulations and rules.
However, a well versed person in the CCP』s rules knows
that the laws cannot control the red tapes,
and that the red tapes cannot control
the official』s orders.
Han Yicun, a lawyer from Bosheng law firm in Beijing,
said: “It』s illegal according to the law.
China is a country with one-party autocratic rule.
On specific matters it may issue red tapes
to overrule the law regulations.
These are all illegal actions.”
A few years ago in Baoding, Hebei Province, the government
tried to establish the so-called “official documents”,
demanding and requesting enterprises to pay for some of their
expenses, such as eating, gift and so on… This resulted in a large-scale exodus of 2000 enterprises.
Hu Jun (Founder, "Rights movement" organization):
"This system is not a society with a rule of law.
It is a dictatorship. In order to maintain their
Continuous greedy oppression and robbing of people,
they say that stability is above all, ignoring the laws.
Anyone with power can interpret the law their way."
Statistics show that after 1949, the CCP had carried out
clean-up activities of laws and regulations 12 times,
5 of which are comprehensive clean-ups
and 6 are special clean-ups.
Red tapes on the contrary have become
a chronic illness within the system.
Lawyer Han Yicun: “China has not only autocracy, but
dictatorship too. Autocracy refers to the one-party rule.
Dictatorship refers to concentration of power in individuals.
The secretary』s holding of big power forms the dictatorship.
Of course, if you want to change this situation, it needs
promotion of political reforms, as to address the problem.
Let the people really have political rights,
let the people decide on the ruling party.”
Media in China said that Chinese State Council considers
expanding the Administrative Review Law』 case scope.
If realized, on the issue of disputed “red tapes” citizens can
hopefully apply for administrative reconsideration directly.
Scholars point out that whether it』s pre-filed or post-filed,
it』s mainly undertaken by the governmental law institutions.
Because of the common interests among the departments,
the supervision and control will become a mere formality.
Hu Jun: "To eradicate this is to apply a very simple principle,
namely to disintegrate the dictatorship.
If the dictatorship does not end, everyone in this system
will continue suffering from it. Every one is a victim.
Even Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao.
After losing power, they will suffer from it just the same. "
NTD reporters Zhushan Zhi, Shang Yan and Zhang Jian

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