Chongqing Mayor Hurries to Beijing for Wang Lijun Case.
After Wang Lijun, Deputy Mayor of Chongqing recently sought refuge at the U.S. Consulate, a media report revealed that Chongqing Mayor Huang Qifan, who arrested Wang in Chengdu, was suddenly seen in Beijing. It is believed Huang's trip to Beijing was to report details about Wang Lijun. The following is our report.
Wang Zhigang, Chinese Think Tank analyst, revealed in a microblog that on the evening of Feb10th, he saw Chongqing Mayor Huang Qifan at the Beijing Capital Airport. "The mayor looked serious. He seemed to visit Beijing for an official reason and hurry back."
Hong Kong's newspaper, Ming Pao, analyzed that Huang Qifan went to Beijing to report the details of the arrest of Wang Lijun. Beijing officials want to know what is behind a Chongqing official stating Wang was receiving holiday-style medical treatment.
Prior to this, sources said Wang Lijun sought asylum on February 6 from the U.S. Consulate General in Chengdu. Chongqing Mayor Huang Qifan and his troops surrounded the consulate and asked the U.S. to hand over Wang Lijun. Wang Lijun's asylum was rejected. The next day he was directly taken to Beijing by senior officials of the Ministry of State Security from Beijing. Dispute occurred between Chongqing police and national security personnel during the process. The CCP leadership was furious about Chongqing's unauthorized law enforcement in Sichuan Province. A high official questioned who ordered the act.
Sources report Wang Lijun was under close surveillance from Chongqing party secretary Bo Xilai before seeking asylum. Finally, with an excuse of physical examination, he disguised himself, changed the vehicle, and fled to Chongqing.
A Twitter posting exposed the details on Wang Lijun's fleeing.
It stated that Wang Lijun disguised himself as an old lady during the escape.
It also included details about U.S. Ambassador Gary Locke's involvement in the incident.
George Mason University Professor Zhang Tianliang believed Wang Lijun's asylum was rejected because the U.S. law has clearly defined no political asylum for
Chinese Communist officials who have committed human rights abuses.
Wang Zhiyuan of World Organization to Investigate the Perscution of Falun Gong also commented. Wang Lijun will not get foreign consulate political asylum.
He is already on the investigation list of the WOIPFG for his participation in the brutal persecution of Falun Gong.
Wang Zhiyuan said Wang Lijun has actively collaborated with the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong since 1999. According to incomplete 2009 statistics on Minghui.org alone, 188 Falun Gong practitioners were kidnapped in Chongqing.
18 of these people were illegally sentenced, and 76 were illegally detained in labor camps. Five people were persecuted by being sent to a mental hospital, and six died of persecution.
Wang Lijun was also suspected of involvement in removal of live Falun Gong practitioners' organs. A Jinzhou armed police report highlighted this.
He once saw two military doctors conducted a live organ harvesting from a 30-year-old female Falun Gong practitioner. Wang Lijun was then Head of the Jinzhou Public Security Bureau. He issued a death command to “kill and spare none” against Falun Gong to the police.
Wang Zhiyuan: "He also established the first Psychological Research Center for the Chinese police system. What is the psychological research? It is to research on the organs obtained from those who died of the death penalty and were injected with drugs. According to our understanding, Wang Lijun's involvement in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is likely beyond imagination."
Mainland dissident writer Du Daobin also commented. Wang Lijun's speedy promotion at that time tied well, and was consistent with the time when the persecution started.
Du Daobin: "If it is evident that he is the devil who oppresses human rights.
There is no way the U.S. government will grant his refuge.
Because the U.S. respects human rights; a suspect of human rights offender seeking asylum to the United States, I don't think the U.S. would grant him a nice treatment."
Henan Business Daily reported Henan Province recently issued a new regulation.
It states Municipal Party Committee Secretary needs an official leave of absence agreement from the Provincial Party Committee Secretary. Whether this new regulation is related to Wang Lijun's seeking refuge to the U.S. Consulate is yet to be confirmed.
NTD Reporters: Chang Chun, Li Qian and Xiao Yu

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