「香港眾志」秘書長、「雨傘運動」的領導人黃之鋒於2019年9月17日在華盛頓特區出席了美國國會及行政當局中國委員會舉行的聽證會,並就香港民眾運動現狀發言(OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP/Getty Images)
【新唐人亞太台 2019 年 09 月 18 日訊】美國國會及行政當局中國委員會星期二(9月17日)上午在華盛頓國會山,就香港動蕩的局勢及美國政策回應等問題舉行了聽證會。獲得美國兩黨參眾議員支持的《香港人權與民主法案》是聽證會討論的焦點。香港Demosisto黨的秘書長、「傘運動」的領導人黃之鋒(Joshua Wong)和香港民主活動家及粵語歌手何韻詩(Denise Ho))出席了這次會議,並在會議上就香港的民主運動作證。以下為黃之鋒在這次聽證會上發言的中英文全文。
當時,我警告我的朋友羅冠聰(Nathan Law)可能被取消立法會議員資格,他是亞洲最年輕的民主選舉立法會議員,他今天也在觀眾席上。
林鄭於6月15日暫緩了該法案,但沒有完全撤回該法案。第二天, 200萬人歷史性地湧上街頭,相當於我們整個人口中的四分之一。我不知道,香港人這種不滿程度,在現代歷史上有那一刻能比得上。
僅在8月5日,香港人參加大罷工的那天,警方就發射了800枚催淚彈驅散人群。相比之下,五年前在整個雨傘運動中只發射了87枚,今天警察的過度武力顯而易見。他們越來越肆意地使用胡椒噴霧,胡椒球,橡膠子彈,海綿彈,布袋彈和水炮 –同樣令人不安的是,這些武器,幾乎全部都是從西方民主國家進口的。有鑒於此,我讚賞麥克高文主席上周在眾議院介紹了「保護香港法案」。美國公司不能從熱愛自由的香港人的暴力鎮壓中獲利。
It’s an honor to be invited back to Capitol Hill to speak about developments in Hong Kong. You may recall that I last traveled to Washington more than two years ago and testified before this commission, in this same building, on May 3, 2017.
At the time, I warned about the probable disqualification of my friend Nathan Law, who had been Asia’s youngest democratically-elected legislator and who is in the audience this morning.
I also warned about massive political prosecution. Unfortunately, both materialized: Nathan lost his seat that July, and we were both imprisoned in August for our roles in the Umbrella Movement. Further legal troublers in relation to the 2014 protests prevented me from traveling abroad.
While I said then that Hong Kong’s “One Country, Two Systems” was becoming “One Country, One-and-a-Half Systems,” I don’t think there is any doubt among observers who have followed recent events that, today, we are approaching dangerously close to “One Country, One System.”
The present state of affairs reveals Beijing’s utter inability to understand, let alone govern, a free society.
The ongoing demonstrations began on June 9 when one million Hong Kongers took to the streets in protest of proposed legislation that would’ve allowed criminal suspects to be extradited from Hong Kong to China, where there are no guarantees of the rule of law. Still, before the night had even ended, Chief Executive Carrie Lam announced the bill’s reading would resume in three days. Hong Kongers were bracing for their last fight on June 12.
And then the unthinkable happened: Knowing that Beijing controlled enough votes in the Legislative Council, protesters surrounded the complex early in the morning, successfully preventing lawmakers from convening. I was then serving my third jail sentence. For a moment, I wondered why the news channel was replaying footage of the Umbrella Movement, though it was not long before I realized Hong Kongers were back.
Lam suspended the bill on June 15, but fell short of fully withdrawing it. A historic two million people demonstrated the following day, equivalent to one in four out of our entire population. I’m not aware of anything comparable to this level of discontent against a government in modern history.
I was released exactly three months ago, on June 17, and have since joined fellow Hong Kongers to protest in the most creative ways possible. In addition to the bill’s withdrawal, we demanded Lam to retract the characterization of us as “rioters,” drop all political charges, and establish an independent investigation into police brutality. Some of us crowdfunded for newspaper advertisements ahead of the G-20 summit in late June calling for the world not to neglect Hong Kong. Others broke into and occupied the Legislative Council complex on July 1, the same day another 550,000 Hong Kongers protested peacefully.
Crowds continued to show up in large numbers every weekend, with smaller rallies taking place almost daily across the territory. But the government would not listen; instead of defusing the political crisis, it dramatically empowered the police. The movement reached a turning point on July 21. That night, thugs with suspected ties to organized crime gathered in the Yuen Long train station and indiscriminately attacked not just protesters returning home, reporters on the scene, but even passersby. The police refused to show up despite repeated emergency calls, plunging Hong Kong into a state of anarchy and mob violence.
On August 5 alone, the day Hong Kongers participated in a general strike, the police shot 800 canisters of tear gas to disperse the masses. Compare that to only 87 fired in the entire Umbrella Movement five years ago, and the police’s excessive force today is clear. Their increasingly liberal use of pepper spray, pepper balls, rubber bullets, sponge bullets, bean bag rounds, and water cannons — almost all of which are imported from Western democracies — are no less troubling. In light of this, I applaud Chairman McGovern for introducing the PROTECT Hong Kong Act last week in the House of Representatives. American companies mustn’t profit from the violent crackdown of freedom-loving Hong Kongers.
Co-Chairman Rubio is also right for recently writing that “Hong Kong’s special status,” under American law, “depends on the city being treated as a separate customs area, on open international financial connections, and on the Hong Kong dollar’s peg to the U.S. dollar.” Beijing shouldn’t have it both ways, reaping all the economic benefits of Hong Kong’s standing in the world while eradicating our sociopolitical identity. This is the most important reason why the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act enjoys the broad support of Hong Kong’s civil society, a point which I want every member of Congress to take note.
Lam finally withdrew the bill earlier this month, but just as protesters have long stopped calling for her resignation, this decision was almost meaningless by now. The movement is far from over, because it has long moved beyond one bill or one person. Our fifth and most important demand is genuine structural change in Hong Kong. Our government’s lack of representation lies at the heart of the matter.
As I speak, Hong Kong is standing at a critical juncture. The stakes have never been higher. Authorities have all but stopped issuing permits known as “letters of no objection,” so virtually every demonstration is an “illegal assembly.” Moreover, we are confronted by the huge Chinese military buildup just across the border in Shenzhen. President Xi Jinping is unlikely to take bold action before the upcoming 70th National Day in October, but no one can be sure what’s next. Sending in the tanks remains irrational, though not impossible. Chinese interference in Macau, Taiwan, Tibet, and especially Xinjiang, serves as a reminder that Beijing is prepared to go far in pursuit of its grand imperial project.
I was once the face of Hong Kong’s youth activism. In the present leaderless movement, however, my sacrifices are minimal, compared to those among us who have been laid off for protesting, who have been injured but too afraid of even going to a hospital, or who have been forced to take their own lives. Two have each lost an eye. The youngest of the 1,400 arrested so far is only 12-year-old schoolboy. I don’t know them, yet their pain is my pain. We belong to the same imagined community, struggling for our right of self-determination so we can build one brighter, common future.
A baby born today will not even have celebrated his 28th birthday by July 1, 2047, when Hong Kong’s policy of “50-year no change” is set to expire. That deadline is closer to us than it appears; there’s no return. Decades from now, when historians look back, I’m sure that 2019, much more so than 2014, will turn out to have been a watershed. I hope, too, that historians will celebrate the United States Congress for having stood on the side of Hong Kongers, the side of human rights and democracy.
2020-06-26 07:39:45好,港人的處境受到國際關注,香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒,昨天(25日)在臉書刊文並附上截圖表示,Google官方向他提醒,他的Gmail帳號可能「受到某些政府支援的入侵者」正試圖竊取他的密碼,建議黃之鋒加入「進階保護計畫」,正值香港國安法立法時機,也引起揣測,Google報告指出,今年4月,Google向全球用戶發出1755條這種警告,但沒有指明是哪些政府。
2020-08-13 20:38:17歡迎回來,港府10日高調拘捕10人,包含前眾志成員周庭,以及壹傳媒創辦人黎智英。在港版國安法通過後,港府大動作捉捕引起國際關注。周庭在被保釋後隔天深夜,在自己的YouTube頻道直播,呼籲港人堅定心志,不要小看自己的力量。
「國難忠醫」成員廣州被捕 反送中至今七千人被捕
2020-01-17 07:21:33再來關心,香港局勢,香港支持民主抗爭組織「國難忠醫」的一名創辦人化名肥仔,在廣州失蹤多天,15日,肥仔就讀的廣州中醫藥大學 發出通告,稱肥仔是因為嫖娼被捕,對此,「國難忠醫」公開回應稱,「舊手法,不意外」。在中國,中共當局用「嫖娼」罪名拘捕異見人士是常用手法。另外,香港「反送中」運動自6月發生至今,香港警務處長鄧炳強昨天公布,稱警方已抓捕超過7000人,當中1092人被起訴,500多人被控暴動罪。
何韻詩被潑漆案 台北地院判主嫌賠償40萬元
2022-10-25 16:57:29香港歌手何韻詩108年在台北參與遊行時遭潑漆,被告胡志偉被依毀損罪判刑3月確定。何韻詩另提起損害賠償訴訟,台北地方法院今天判決胡男應賠償何韻詩40萬元,可上訴。
黃之鋒遭獨囚24時亮燈 獄方聲稱X光照出肚內異物
2020-11-25 08:47:58香港前眾志成員黃之鋒與周庭入獄,黃之鋒的社群小編昨夜指出,黃之鋒入獄首日就被X光照出「肚內有異物」,但由於獄方不允許黃之鋒本人知悉詳情,目前情況未明,另外,黃之鋒現獨自一人被關在全天24小時亮燈的囚室。對此,小編轉述,黃之鋒表示他會努力熬過,並希望各位繼續關注其他在囚港人。
2020-05-23 21:00:35中共宣布將審議香港版「國安法」草案,激起香港震動,國際譁然。外媒以「香港末日」、「香港民主自治喪鐘」等頭條密切關注香港情況,因為「國安法」不僅授權中共,可以在香港以國安理由執法,甚至只要舉外國國旗、或在海外遊說都有可能違法。而林鄭月娥召開記者會護航國安法,但是卻不能解答相關執行細節,這項法案在香港也不會舉辦公開諮詢。
川普:中共若執意推港版國安法 美將強烈反應
2020-05-22 07:10:03美國總統川普今天表示,假使中共執意推動實施「香港版國安法」的計畫,美國將強烈反應。
中共硬推國安法 英國:港人持BNO護照可來英
2020-06-01 13:09:58針對中共當局強推《香港國家安全法》,繼美國總統川普在週五宣佈,取消香港的特殊地位待遇後,英國外交大臣拉布週日也表示,英國政府不會對香港人的遭遇視而不見。
2020-04-20 07:26:22香港反送中抗爭近一年,不少港人來台尋求庇護。提供流亡港人合法工作的餐廳「保護傘」,昨天(19日)在台北正式開張,就湧入許多人潮。餐廳鄰近台灣大學,由替抗爭港人擔任義務律師的黃國桐協助開設,讓十多名15歲到20多歲流亡台灣的抗爭者,在店內工作,並提供法律援助。餐廳上週宣布,員工首張工作證已獲核准。平常營業時間為每週二到週六。一月份,香港警務處資料顯示,反送中運動中,共有7019人被逮捕,其中約4成是學生;被逮捕的民眾中有1092人被起訴,38人被定罪。
90歲陳日君被捕 中共為何害怕一位高齡主教?
2022-05-12 22:11:57香港國安處11日,以違反香港國安法為由,逮捕5名「612人道基金會」的信託人,其中,也包括高齡90歲的天主教香港教區榮休主教陳日君,有分析指出,他被中共視為威脅,是因為他不受中共影響,而且鼓舞人心的力量非常大。
2020-06-26 11:14:32再來關心另一個牽動市場目光的話題,美國聯邦參議院週四(25日),全票通過了《香港自治法》,反擊北京推行港版國安法。只要侵害香港高度自治的,包括中共官員、港警,以及銀行業者,都是制裁對象。
港版國安法 港民主派:打開攬炒香港序幕 中共必亡
2020-05-22 09:41:22早安新唐人先聚焦,香港的自由危機再起,中共人大昨天宣布,將在22 日至 28 日的會議期間,審議「香港版國安法」,不只繞過香港立法會,而且比23條惡法的管控更廣範,消息一出,香港恆生期貨指數應聲下跌,香港泛民主派更抨擊,「一國一制」正在香港落實。
中共人大14副委員長 全部被川普政府制裁
2020-12-08 08:19:21美國財政部週一(7日)根據美國總統川普簽署的行政令,宣布制裁侵犯人權和損害香港自治的中共官員,其中包括,中共第十三屆全國人大常務委員會的14名副委員長。聯邦眾議院週一通過《香港人民自由與選擇法》,將可加速港人赴美的難民申請,並鼓勵理念相近的同盟國為港人提供庇護。
美政界譴責港府抓捕民主人士 促實施香港人權法
2020-04-20 07:25:354月18日,香港警方抓捕15名民主派人士,美國、英國、台灣都表示關切。美國國務卿蓬佩奧和司法部長巴爾等,都發出聲明譴責,美國國會兩院領袖,也紛紛發聲,眾議院議長佩洛西呼籲盡快實施《香港人權與民主法案》。
以將來換將來!港青爭自由 黎智英續留港抗爭
2020-07-09 20:34:33歷經一年,香港的抗爭仍持續。一名年僅24歲的抗爭者,向外媒透露,一路以來抗爭的心路歷程。港版國安法實施後,也不退卻,她表示香港一天沒有勝利,又如何有將來呢。不只這名抗爭者,前香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒、壹傳媒創辦人黎智英等人,也繼續留在香港,透過國際戰線,為香港發聲。
民主派初選踏入第2天 影后葉德嫻站台籲長者投票
2020-07-12 22:06:54香港立法會選舉將在今年9月舉行,民主派率先在7月11號跟12號一連兩天舉行初選,決定由誰來參加選舉。昨天(12日),港人以23萬票展現民意,踏入初選第二天,香港影后葉德嫻一早為候選人袁嘉蔚站台,葉德嫻表示,昨日看到這麼多人投票覺得很感動,認為港人心仍未死。
藝人黃耀明遭捕後獲釋 港廉政署稱違選舉法惹議
2021-08-02 13:15:16香港歌手黃耀明傳出今天上午被廉政公署拘捕,藝人何韻詩、杜汶澤都在社群上表達關切,香港廉政公署上午發布新聞稿證實,前立法會議員區諾軒及歌手黃耀明2人被落案起訴,週四(8/5)將在東區裁判法院答辯。大量網友也湧入黃耀明臉書留言,期盼黃耀明平安。稍早,港媒稱,黃耀明已獲保釋。
美提制裁未見中共回應 黃之鋒狂酸
2020-05-30 20:16:48好,香港反送中即將滿一周年,在美國總統川普宣佈取消對香港的特殊貿易地位的這天,港人仍在街頭持續抗爭,目前在觀塘海濱,就有一場「抗爭十一個月 傳承的愛網上悼念會」,不過川普宣布對中共祭出前所未有行動後,一整天,直到目前,中共外交部及黨媒新華社都尚未回應,只有香港特首林鄭月娥在臉書發文舉中共前領導人鄧小平為例來滅火,卻隻字不提美國制裁一事。香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒在臉書狂酸表示:「中共外交部呢,至今還未回應美國總統川普凌晨記者會,我真的相信,共產黨說的五天工作制。」
黃之鋒揭抗爭者遭虐打 港人爭民主處境險困
2020-05-08 09:42:03反送中運動中,至今超過7000多人被捕,其中,未滿21歲、曾被還押在壁屋懲教所的有34人。香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒就爆料,這些反送中的抗爭者,在裡面被暴力對待,甚至因為唱《願榮光歸香港》,而被甩巴掌。
黃之鋒等3人遭判刑 英外相促中共停止打壓反對派
2020-12-02 21:30:31歡迎回到新聞現場,帶您關心香港,前香港眾志秘書長黃之鋒、成員周庭、主席林朗彥,被控在去年反送中期間,所謂「煽動包圍警察總部」,今天(2日)法院宣判,黃之鋒被判13個半月,周庭10個月,林朗彥則被判監7個月。引發國際高度關注。