144層樓同時爆破成灰 阿布達比重建旅遊點

【新唐人亞太台 2020 年 12 月 11 日訊】阿拉伯聯合大公國首都阿布達比,為了重新開發碼頭區,在11月底拆除當地4座未完工的建築物。當局以炸藥爆破,在短短10秒鐘的時間,就讓144層樓灰飛煙滅,變成一堆瓦礫。


11月27日,阿拉伯聯合大公國(UAE)首都阿布達比,爆破拆除米納廣場(Mina Plaza)的未完工大樓,在短短10秒鐘內,4棟建物合計共144層樓,就這麼灰飛煙滅。

Modon執行長 BILL O'REGAN:「這是一個使用炸藥、以內爆方式進行的控制性拆除。我們使用塑膠炸藥,引爆導爆索來達成,這是兩種非常穩定、非常非常安全的爆破材料,特別是在這種天氣條件下。因為您必須了解,我們是在幾星期前,開始在大樓裡裝炸藥的,那時阿布達比的天氣還很熱。」

執行爆破拆除的Modon公司,將穩定的非主要爆藥(non-primary explosives),放置在大樓的1萬8千個鑽孔內,在河岸的另一邊按下引爆鈕,將建物內的炸藥依序引爆。阿布達比這次的拆除是為了重新開發碼頭區,將其改造成傳統集市,為當地居民及遊客,創造一個新的旅遊熱點。

新唐人亞太電視 葉恩婕 綜合報導


Towers to rubble in 10 seconds: UAE demolishes buildings for re-development

The UAE demolished Abu Dhabi's Mina Plaza towers on November 27, successfully bringing down 144 floors spread over 4 towers in a 10-second controlled explosion. Originally a cluster of unfinished buildings, the Mina Plaza towers were demolished to make way for the redevelopment of the port area, creating a new destination that appeals to both tourists and residents.

"Our intention is to redevelop the Wharf area into a traditional Souq (Market)," said Bill O'Regan, CEO of Modon, the company appointed by the UAE to oversee the demolition. "That will create a new destination effectively for the citizens and residents of Abu Dhabi, and also for tourists and visitors," said O'Regan."




